User:Roman Czyborra/Nonsense

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The Lipschitz Life is originally defined as the quaternionic evolution growing from the stencil $\mathfrak L:=($

  1. $X:=\Z^3,$
  2. $\mathfrak L_X:=\mathbb H:=\R^4\cdot(\mathfrak 1,\mathfrak i,\mathfrak j, \mathfrak k),$
  3. $\mathfrak L(0)(\vec x):=|\vec x|>0 ? \mathfrak 0 : \mathfrak 1,$
  4. $\Delta:=((-1,0,0),(1,0,0),(0,-1,0),(0,1,0),(0,0,-1),(0,0,1)),$
  5. $\delta(\mathfrak x^-,\mathfrak x^+,\mathfrak y^-,\mathfrak y^+,\mathfrak z^-,\mathfrak z⁺):=(\mathfrak x^+ + \mathfrak x^-)\mathfrak i+(\mathfrak y^- + \mathfrak y^+)\mathfrak j+(\mathfrak z^- + \mathfrak z^+)\mathfrak k$


The Lipschitz Game Of Life is won by the first player who either

  1. calculates the exact first quantum hour $h\in\N$ and smallest volume $V\subset\N^3$ in which a bitstring expressing the above formulated definition is clearly expressed within $\mathfrak L(h)$ itself
  2. or proves by falsification that such self-awareness cannot evolve from Lipschitz Life in this original definition.
