Definition:Euler-Mascheroni Constant/Historical Note
Historical Note on Euler-Mascheroni Constant
The Euler-Mascheroni Constant was presented by Leonhard Paul Euler to the St. Petersburg Academy on $11$ March $1734$.
It was published in $1738$, calculated to $6$ decimal places, as $0 \cdotp 577218$ (although only the first $5$ were correct, as Euler himself surmised).
He subsequently calculated it to $16$ places in $1781$, and published this in $1785$.
Mascheroni published a calculation to $32$ places of the value of this constant.
Only the first $19$ places were accurate. The remaining ones were corrected in $1809$ by Johann von Soldner.
In more modern times, Dura W. Sweeney published the results of the calculation of its value to $3566$ places in $1963$.
There exists disagreement over the question of who was first to name it $\gamma$ (gamma).
Some sources claim it was Euler who named it $\gamma$, in $1781$, while others suggest its first appearance of that symbol for it was in Lorenzo Mascheroni's $1790$ work Adnotationes ad calculum integrale Euleri.
However, a close study of those works indicates that Euler used $A$ and $C$, and in the work cited, Mascheroni used $A$ throughout.
An early appearance of the symbol $\gamma$ was by Carl Anton Bretschneider in his $1837$ paper Theoriae logarithmi integralis lineamenta nova (J. reine angew. Math. Vol. 17: pp. 257 – 285), and this may indeed be the first.
- 1738: Leonhard Paul Euler: De Progressionibus Harmonicis Obseruationes (Commentarii Acad. Sci. Imp. Pet. Vol. 7: pp. 150 – 161)
- 1785: Leonhard Paul Euler: De numero memorabili in summatione progressionis harmonicae naturalis occurrente (Acta Academiae Scientarum Imperialis Petropolitinae Vol. 5: pp. 45 – 75)
- 1837: Carl Anton Bretschneider: Theoriae logarithmi integralis lineamenta nova (J. reine angew. Math. Vol. 17: pp. 257 – 285)
- Apr. 1963: Dura W. Sweeney: On the Computation of Euler's Constant (Math. Comp. Vol. 17, no. 82: pp. 170 – 178)
- 1972: George F. Simmons: Differential Equations ... (previous) ... (next): $\S 3$: Appendix $\text A$: Euler
- 1983: François Le Lionnais and Jean Brette: Les Nombres Remarquables ... (previous) ... (next): $0,57721 56649 \ldots$
- 1986: David Wells: Curious and Interesting Numbers ... (previous) ... (next): $0 \cdotp 577 \, 215 \, 664 \, 901 \, 532 \, 860 \, 606 \, 512 \, 090 \, 082 \, 402 \, 431 \ldots$
- 1992: George F. Simmons: Calculus Gems ... (previous) ... (next): Chapter $\text {A}.21$: Euler ($\text {1707}$ – $\text {1783}$)
- 1997: Donald E. Knuth: The Art of Computer Programming: Volume 1: Fundamental Algorithms (3rd ed.) ... (previous) ... (next): $\S 1.2.7$: Harmonic Numbers
- 1997: David Wells: Curious and Interesting Numbers (2nd ed.) ... (previous) ... (next): $0 \cdotp 57721 \, 56649 \, 01532 \, 86060 \, 65120 \, 90082 \, 40243 \, 1 \ldots$