Definition:Lower Darboux Sum

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Let $\closedint a b$ be a closed real interval.

Let $f: \closedint a b \to \R$ be a bounded real function.

Let $P = \set {x_0, x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_n}$ be a finite subdivision of $\closedint a b$.

For all $\nu \in \set {1, 2, \ldots, n}$, let $m_\nu^{\paren f}$ be the infimum of $f$ on the interval $\closedint {x_{\nu - 1} } {x_\nu}$.


$\ds \map {L^{\paren f} } P = \sum_{\nu \mathop = 1}^n m_\nu^{\paren f} \paren {x_\nu - x_{\nu - 1} }$

is called the lower Darboux sum of $f$ on $\closedint a b$ belonging (or with respect) to (the subdivision) $P$.

If there is no ambiguity as to what function is under discussion, $m_\nu$ and $\map L P$ are usually used.

Closed Rectangle

Let $R$ be a closed rectangle in $\R^n$.

Let $f : R \to \R$ be a bounded real-valued function.

Let $P$ be a finite subdivision of $R$.

Let $S$ be the set of subrectangles of $P$.

For every:

$r = \closedint {a_1} {b_1} \times \dotso \times \closedint {a_n} {b_n} \in S$


$\ds m_r^{\paren f} = \inf_{x \mathop \in r} \map f x$
$\ds \map v r = \prod_{1 \mathop \le i \mathop \le n} \paren {b_i - a_i}$


$\ds \map {L^{\paren f}} P = \sum_{r \mathop \in S} m_r^{\paren f} \map v r$

is called the lower Darboux sum of $f$ on $R$ with respect to $P$.

Also known as

The notation $\map L {f, P}$ or $\map L {P, f}$ can be used in place of $\map {L^{\paren f} } P$.

The lower Darboux sum is also known as:

the lower Riemann sum (for Georg Friedrich Bernhard Riemann)
the lower sum.

Also see

  • Results about the lower Darboux sum can be found here.

Source of Name

This entry was named for Jean-Gaston Darboux.
