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Let $X$ be a number or an expression such that $X$ is not equal to, nor evaluates to, zero.

Then $\dfrac 1 X$ is called the reciprocal of $X$.

The real function $f: \R_{\ne 0} \to \R$ defined as:

$\forall x \in \R_{\ne 0}: \map f x = \dfrac 1 x$

is called the reciprocal function.


Reciprocal of $2$

The reciprocal of $2$ is $\dfrac 1 2$.

Reciprocal of $\pi$

$\dfrac 1 \pi \approx 0 \cdotp 31830 \, 98861 \, 83790 \, 67153 \, 77675 \, 26745 \, 02872 \, 40689 \, 19291 \, 480 \ldots$

Reciprocal of $e$

$\dfrac 1 e \approx 0 \cdotp 36787 \, 94411 \, 71442 \, 32159 \, 55237 \, 70161 \, 46086 \, 74458 \, 11131 \, 031 \ldots$

Reciprocal of $1 + x$

The reciprocal of $1 + x$ is $\dfrac 1 {1 + x}$.

This is defined whenever $x \ne -1$.


Note the domain of the function $f: \R \setminus \set 0 \to \R$.

That is, $\dfrac 1 0$ is not defined.

Also see

  • Results about reciprocals can be found here.
