Category:Kelvin-Stokes Theorem

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This category contains pages concerning Kelvin-Stokes Theorem:

Let $S$ be some orientable smooth surface with boundary in $\R^3$.

Let $\mathbf F:\R^3 \to \R^3$ be a vector-valued function with Euclidean coordinate expression:

$\mathbf F = f_1 \mathbf i + f_2 \mathbf j + f_3 \mathbf k$

where $f_i: \R^3 \to \R$.


$\ds \oint_{\partial S} f_1 \rd x + f_2 \rd y + f_3 \rd z = \iint_S \paren {\nabla \times \mathbf F} \cdot \mathbf n \rd A$

where $\mathbf n$ is the unit normal to $S$ and $\d A$ is the area element on the surface.

Source of Name

This entry was named for Lord Kelvin and George Gabriel Stokes.

Pages in category "Kelvin-Stokes Theorem"

The following 4 pages are in this category, out of 4 total.