Conjugacy is Equivalence Relation

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Conjugacy of group elements is an equivalence relation.


Checking each of the criteria for an equivalence relation in turn:


$\forall x \in G: e_G \circ x = x \circ e_G \implies x \sim x$

Thus conjugacy of group elements is reflexive.



\(\ds \) \(\) \(\ds x \sim y\)
\(\ds \) \(\leadsto\) \(\ds a \circ x = y \circ a\) Definition of Conjugate of Group Element
\(\ds \) \(\leadsto\) \(\ds a \circ x \circ a^{-1} = y\) Definition of Group
\(\ds \) \(\leadsto\) \(\ds a^{-1} \circ y = x \circ a^{-1}\) Definition of Group
\(\ds \) \(\leadsto\) \(\ds y \sim x\) Definition of Conjugate of Group Element

Thus conjugacy of group elements is symmetric.



\(\ds \) \(\) \(\ds x \sim y, y \sim z\)
\(\ds \) \(\leadsto\) \(\ds a_1 \circ x = y \circ a_1, a_2 \circ y = z \circ a_2\) Definition of Conjugate of Group Element
\(\ds \) \(\leadsto\) \(\ds a_2 \circ a_1 \circ x = a_2 \circ y \circ a_1 = z \circ a_2 \circ a_1\) Definition of Group
\(\ds \) \(\leadsto\) \(\ds x \sim z\) Definition of Conjugate of Group Element

Thus conjugacy of group elements is transitive.


All criteria are satisfied, and so conjugacy of group elements is shown to be an equivalence relation.

