Frobenius's Theorem
An algebraic associative real division algebra $A$ is isomorphic to $\R, \C$ or $\Bbb H$.
Recall that an algebra $A$ is said to be quadratic if it is unital and the set $\set {1, x, x^2}$ is linearly dependent for every $x \in A$.
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Thus, for every $x \in A$ there exist $\map t x, \map n x \in \R$ such that:
- $x^2 - \map t x x + \map n x = 0$
Obviously, $\map t x$ and $\map n x$ are uniquely determined if $x \notin \R$.
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Suppose $x \notin \R$.
Then $x$ can be expressed as $x = a + b i$, with $a, b \in \R$ and $b \ne 0$.
- $x^2 = a^2 - b^2 + 2 a b i$
- $x^2 - \map t x x + \map n x = a^2 - b^2 - a \map t x + \map n x + \paren {2 a b - b \map t x} i = 0$
It follows that both:
- $(1): \quad 2 a b - b \map t x = 0$
- $(2): \quad a^2 - b^2 - a \map t x + \map n x = 0$
$(1)$ leads to:
- $\map t x = 2 a$
and $(2)$ leads to;
- $\map n x = a^2 + b^2$
Setting $\map t \lambda = 2 \lambda$ and $\map n \lambda = \lambda^2$ for $\lambda \in \R$, we can then consider $t$ and $n$ as maps from $A$ into $\R$.
(In this way $t$ becomes a linear functional).
We call $\map t x$ and $\map n x$ the trace and the norm of $x$ respectively.
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From $x^2 - \paren {x + x^*} x + x^* x = 0$ we see that all algebras $\Bbb A_n$ are quadratic.
Further, every real division algebra $A$ that is algebraic and power-associative (this means that every subalgebra generated by one element is associative) is automatically quadratic.
Indeed, if $x \in A$ then there exists a nonzero polynomial $\map f X \in \R \sqbrk X$ such that $\map f x = 0$.
Writing $\map f X$ as the product of linear and quadratic polynomials in $\R \sqbrk X$ it follows that $\map p x = 0$ for some $\map p X \in \R \sqbrk X$ of degree $1$ or $2$.
In particular, algebraic alternative (and hence associative) real division algebras are quadratic.
Finally, if $A$ is a real unital algebra, that is, an algebra over $\R$ with unity $1$, then we shall follow a standard convention and identify $\R$ with $\R 1$.
Thus we shall write $\lambda$ for $\lambda 1$, where $\lambda \in \R$.
Lemma 1
Let $\struct {A, \oplus}$ be a quadratic real algebra.
- $\quad U = \set {u \in A \setminus \R: u^2 \in \R} \cup \set 0$
is a linear subspace of $A$.
Lemma 2
Let $\struct {A, \oplus}$ be a quadratic real algebra.
- $\forall u, v \in U: u v + v u \in \R$
Lemma 3
Let $\struct {A, \oplus}$ be a quadratic real algebra.
- $A = \R \oplus U$
Lemma 4
Let $\struct {A, \oplus}$ be a quadratic real algebra.
If $A$ is also a division algebra, then every non-zero $u \in U$ can be written as $u = \alpha v$ with $\alpha \in \R$ and $v^2 = -1$.
Lemma 5
Let $A$ be a quadratic real division algebra.
- $U = \left\{{u \in A \setminus \R: u^2 \in \R}\right\} \cup \left\{{0}\right\}$
where $\setminus$ denotes set difference.
Suppose $e_1, \ldots, e_k \in U$ are such that:
- $\forall i \le k: e_i^2 = -1$
- $\forall i, j \le k, i \ne j: e_i e_j = -e_j e_i$
If $U$ is not equal to the linear span of $e_1, \ldots, e_k$, then there exists $e_{k+1} \in U$ such that:
- $e_{k+1}^2 = -1$
- $\forall i \le k: e_i e_{k+1} = -e_{k+1} e_i$
We have from above that $A$ is quadratic.
We may assume that $n = \dim A \ge 2$.
By Lemma 4 we can fix $i \in A$ such that $i^2 = -1$.
Thus, $A \cong \C$ if $n = 2$.
Let $n > 2$.
By Lemma 5:
- $\exists j \in A: j^2 = -1, i j = -j i$
Set $k = ij$.
It can immediately be checked that:
- $k^2 = -1$
- $k i = j = -i k$
- $j k = i = -k j$
- $\set {i, j, k}$ is a linearly independent set.
Therefore $A$ contains a subalgebra isomorphic to $\Bbb H$.
Finally, suppose $n > 4$.
By Lemma 5 there would exist $e \in A, e \ne 0$ such that:
- $(a): \quad e i = -i e$
- $(b): \quad e j = -j e$
- $(c): \quad e k = -k e$
However, from $(a)$ and $(b)$ it follows that $e i j = -i e j = i j e$.
Since $i j = k$, this contradicts $(c)$.
It follows that $n \le 4$, and so $\Bbb H$ is the highest order
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Source of Name
This entry was named for Ferdinand Georg Frobenius.
Historical Note
Frobenius's Theorem was proved by Ferdinand Georg Frobenius in $1878$.
- 1878: F.G. Frobenius: Über lineare Substitutionen und bilineare Formen (J. reine angew. Math. Vol. 84: pp. 1 – 63)
- 1992: George F. Simmons: Calculus Gems ... (previous) ... (next): Chapter $\text {B}.26$: Extensions of the Complex Number System. Algebras, Quaternions, and Lagrange's Four Squares Theorem
- 1998: David Nelson: The Penguin Dictionary of Mathematics (2nd ed.) ... (previous) ... (next): Frobenius's theorem
- 2008: David Nelson: The Penguin Dictionary of Mathematics (4th ed.) ... (previous) ... (next): Frobenius's theorem
- 2010: Matej Brešar, Peter Šemrl and Špela Špenko: On Locally Complex Algebras and Low-Dimensional Cayley-Dickson Algebras ()