Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic

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For every integer $n$ such that $n > 1$, $n$ can be expressed as the product of one or more primes, uniquely up to the order in which they appear.


In Integer is Expressible as Product of Primes it is proved that every integer $n$ such that $n > 1$, $n$ can be expressed as the product of one or more primes.

In Prime Decomposition of Integer is Unique, it is proved that this prime decomposition is unique up to the order of the factors.


Also known as

The Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic is also known as the Unique Factorization Theorem.

However, this is also sometimes used for the name of the equivalent result for the general Euclidean domain and it can be argued that the names are best kept separate.

Historical Note

The Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic was known to Euclid.

However, it was first proved formally by Carl Friedrich Gauss in his Disquisitiones Arithmeticae in $\text {1801}$.
