Symbols:Abstract Algebra
Symbols used in Abstract Algebra
Commutative Operation
- $+$
Often used to denote:
- The binary operation in a general abelian group $\struct {G, +}$
- The additive binary operation in a general ring $\struct {R, +, \circ}$
- The additive binary operation in a general field $\struct {F, +, \times}$
both of which are commutative operations.
The $\LaTeX$ code for \(+\) is +
Repeated Addition
- $\cdot$
Often used to denote the power of the additive binary operation in a general ring $\struct {R, +, \circ}$.
In this context, $n \cdot a$ means $\underbrace {a + a + \ldots + a}_{n \text{ times}} $.
See Integral Multiple of Ring Element for an example of how this can be used.
Also often used for the binary operation in a general group which is not necessarily abelian.
The $\LaTeX$ code for \(\cdot\) is \cdot
Modulo Addition
- $+_m$
Let $m \in \Z$ be an integer.
Let $\Z_m$ be the set of integers modulo $m$:
- $\Z_m = \set {\eqclass 0 m, \eqclass 1 m, \ldots, \eqclass {m - 1} m}$
where $\eqclass x m$ is the residue class of $x$ modulo $m$.
The operation of addition modulo $m$ is defined on $\Z_m$ as:
- $\eqclass a m +_m \eqclass b m = \eqclass {a + b} m$
The $\LaTeX$ code for \(+_m\) is +_m
Real Modulo Addition
- $+_z$
Let $z \in \R$.
Let $\R_z$ be the set of residue classes modulo $z$ of $\R$.
The addition operation is defined on $\R_z$ as follows:
- $\eqclass a z +_z \eqclass b z = \eqclass {a + b} z$
This operation is called addition modulo $z$.
The $\LaTeX$ code for \(+_z\) is +_z
Modulo Multiplication
- $\times_m$ or $\cdot_m$
Let $m \in \Z$ be an integer.
Let $\Z_m$ be the set of integers modulo $m$:
- $\Z_m = \set {\eqclass 0 m, \eqclass 1 m, \ldots, \eqclass {m - 1} m}$
where $\eqclass x m$ is the residue class of $x$ modulo $m$.
The operation of multiplication modulo $m$ is defined on $\Z_m$ as:
- $\eqclass a m \times_m \eqclass b m = \eqclass {a b} m$
The $\LaTeX$ code for \(\times_m\) is \times_m
The $\LaTeX$ code for \(\cdot_m\) is \cdot_m
General Operation
- $\circ$
Often used to denote:
- A general binary operation in an equally general algebraic structure $\struct {S, \circ}$
- A general ring product in an equally general ring $\struct {R, +, \circ}$.
The $\LaTeX$ code for \(\circ\) is \circ
Order of Structure
- $\order {\struct {S, \circ} }$
The order of an algebraic structure $\struct {S, \circ}$ is the cardinality of its underlying set, and is denoted $\order S$.
Thus, for a finite set $S$, the order of $\struct {S, \circ}$ is the number of elements in $S$.
The $\LaTeX$ code for \(\order {\struct {S, \circ} }\) is \order {\struct {S, \circ} }
- $\preceq, \preccurlyeq, \curlyeqprec$
Used to indicate an ordering relation on a general ordered set $\struct {S, \preceq}$, $\struct{T, \preccurlyeq}$ etc.
Their inverses are $\succeq$, $\succcurlyeq$ and $\curlyeqsucc$.
We also have:
- $\prec$, which means: $\preceq$ or $\preccurlyeq$, etc. and $\ne$
- $\succ$, which means: $\succeq$ or $\succcurlyeq$, etc. and $\ne$.
Their $\LaTeX$ codes are as follows:
- $\preceq$:
- $\preccurlyeq$:
- $\curlyeqprec$:
- $\prec$:
- $\succeq$:
- $\succcurlyeq$:
- $\curlyeqsucc$:
- $\succ$:
The symbols $\le, <, \ge, >$ and their variants can also be used in the context of a general ordering if desired.
However, it is usually better to reserve them for the conventional orderings between numbers.