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This category contains results about Logarithms.
Definitions specific to this category can be found in Definitions/Logarithms.
This category has the following 39 subcategories, out of 39 total.
- Antilogarithms (empty)
- Difference of Logarithms (4 P)
- Logarithm of Power (11 P)
- Logarithm Tends to Infinity (3 P)
- Matrix Logarithms (1 P)
- Napier's Bones (empty)
- Napierian Logarithms (empty)
- Reciprocal of Logarithm (3 P)
- Sum of Logarithms (10 P)
Pages in category "Logarithms"
The following 73 pages are in this category, out of 73 total.
- Laws of Logarithms
- Limit of Power of x by Absolute Value of Power of Logarithm of x
- Linear Operator on General Logarithm
- Logarithm Functions are Transcendental
- Logarithm is Strictly Concave
- Logarithm is Strictly Increasing
- Logarithm is Strictly Increasing/Corollary
- Logarithm of Base
- Logarithm of Divergent Product of Real Numbers
- Logarithm of Logarithm in terms of Natural Logarithms
- Logarithm of One plus x in terms of Gaussian Hypergeometric Function
- Logarithm of One plus x over One minus x in terms of Gaussian Hypergeometric Function
- Logarithm of Power
- Logarithm of Reciprocal
- Logarithm on Positive Real Numbers is Group Isomorphism
- Logarithm Tends to Infinity
- Logarithm Tends to Negative Infinity
- Logarithm to Own Base equals 1
- Lower Bound of Natural Logarithm
- Negative of Logarithm of x plus Root x squared minus a squared
- Negative of Logarithm of x plus Root x squared plus a squared
- Negative of Logarithm of x plus Root x squared plus a squared/Corollary
- Newton-Mercator Series/Examples/2
- Number of Binary Digits in Power of 10
- Number of Digits in Power of 2
- Power Dominates Logarithm
- Power Series Expansion for Half Logarithm of 1 + x over 1 - x
- Power Series Expansion for Logarithm of 1 + x
- Power Series Expansion for Logarithm of 1 + x over 1 + x
- Power Series Expansion for Logarithm of 1 + x/Corollary
- Power Series Expansion for Logarithm of Cosine of x
- Power Series Expansion for Logarithm of Sine of x
- Power Series Expansion for Logarithm of Tangent of x
- Power Series Expansion for Logarithm of x
- Power Series Expansion for nth Power of Logarithm of Reciprocal of 1-z
- Power Series Expansion for Reciprocal of 1-z to the m+1 by Logarithm of Reciprocal of 1-z
- Powers Drown Logarithms
- Powers Drown Logarithms/Corollary
- Primitive of Reciprocal
- Primitive of Reciprocal of a squared minus x squared/Logarithm Form/Lemma
- Primitive of Reciprocal of x squared minus a squared/Logarithm Form/Lemma
- Schanuel's Conjecture Implies Algebraic Independence of Pi and Log of Pi over the Rationals
- Schanuel's Conjecture Implies Transcendence of Log Pi
- Schanuel's Conjecture Implies Transcendence of Pi to the power of Euler's Number/Lemma
- Sum of General Logarithms
- Sum of Logarithms
- Sum of Sequence of Reciprocals of 3 n + 1 Alternating in Sign
- Sum of Sequence of Reciprocals of 3 n + 2 Alternating in Sign
- Sum of Sequence of Reciprocals of 4 n + 1 Alternating in Sign
- Sum over k of Floor of Log base b of k
- Summation of General Logarithms