Mathematician:Mathematicians/Minor Mathematicians/S
Minor Mathematicians
This page collects mentions of minor (mainly contemporary) mathematicians whose biographical details are unavailable.
For more comprehensive information on the lives and works of mathematicians through the ages, see the MacTutor History of Mathematics archive, created by John J. O'Connor and Edmund F. Robertson.
- The army of those who have made at least one definite contribution to mathematics as we know it soon becomes a mob as we look back over history; 6,000 or 8,000 names press forward for some word from us to preserve them from oblivion, and once the bolder leaders have been recognised it becomes largely a matter of arbitrary, illogical legislation to judge who of the clamouring multitude shall be permitted to survive and who be condemned to be forgotten.
- -- Eric Temple Bell: Men of Mathematics, 1937, Victor Gollancz, London
Jonathan Sacks
Author of:
- 1981: The existence of minimal immersions of 2-spheres (Ann. Math. Ser. 2 Vol. 113: pp. 1 – 24) (with Karen Uhlenbeck)
- 1982: Minimal immersions of closed Riemann surfaces (Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. Vol. 271: pp. 639 – 652) (with K. Uhlenbeck)
Hans Sagan
Author of:
Josep Sales
Author of:
- 2017: Mortgages and Equations (with Lluis Artal)
- 2017: Curious Curves (with Francesc Banyuls)
B. Sands
Author of:
- 1975 -- 1976: Tiling with Incomparable Rectangles (Journal of Recreational Mathematics Vol. 8: pp. 112 – 119) (with A.C.C. Yao and E.M. Reingold)
C.M. Sandwick
Author of:
- 1957: Problems for Solution: $\text E 1249$ (Amer. Math. Monthly Vol. 64, no. 1: p. 43)
Huiyan Sang
Author of:
- 2008: Gaussian predictive process models for large spatial data sets (J. R. Stat. Soc. Ser. B Vol. 70, no. 4: pp. 825 – 848) (with Alan E. Gelfand, Sudipto Banerjee and Andrew O. Finley)
Gerardo Sanz
Author of:
- 2017: The Conquest of Chance (with Fernando Corbalán)
Vladimir I. Sarvanov
Author of:
- 1998: Exercises in Graph Theory (with O. Melnikov, R. Tyshkevich, V. Yemelichev and I. Zverovich)
Maurice Sasieni
Author of:
- 1959: Operations Research: Methods and Problems (with Arthur Yaspan and Lawrence Friedman)
M. Satyanarayana
- 1978: Naturally totally ordered semigroups (Pacific J. Math. Vol. 77, no. 1: pp. 249 – 254)
Harry A. Sayles
Rediscovered in $1913$ the Smallest Magic Constant of Order 3 Multiplicative Magic Square (originally discovered by Georges Pfeffermann in $1893$).
Author of:
- 1908: Magic Squares and Cubes by W.S. Andrews (contributions)
William L. Schaaf
Author of:
- 1970 -- 1978: A Bibliography of Recreational Mathematics
Mark J. Schervish
Author of:
- 2002: Probability and Statistics, 3rd ed. (with Morris H. DeGroot)
- 2011: Probability and Statistics, 4th ed. (with Morris H. DeGroot)
John J. Schiller
Author of:
- 1975: Probability and Statistics (with Murray R. Spiegel and R. Alu Srinivasan)
- 2000: Probability and Statistics, 2nd ed. (with Murray R. Spiegel and R. Alu Srinivasan)
- 2009: Complex Variables, 2nd ed. (with Murray R. Spiegel, Seymour Lipschutz and Dennis Spellman)
Alexandra M. Schmidt
Author of:
- 2004: Nonstationary multivariate process modeling through spatially varying coregionalization (TEST Vol. 13, no. 2: pp. 263 – 312) (with Alan E. Gelfand, C.F. Sirmans and Sudipto Banerjee)
A. Schopf
Contributor to:
- 1964: Handbook of Mathematical Functions (edited by Milton Abramowitz and Irene A. Stegun)
D.J.E. Schrek
Author of:
- 1938: Beginselen der analytische meetkunde
- 1950: Prince Rupert's problem and its Extension by Pieter Nieuwland (Scripta Math. Vol. 16: pp. 73 – 80)
- 1950: Prince Rupert's problem and its Extension by Pieter Nieuwland (Scripta Math. Vol. 16: pp. 261 – 267)
Pincus Schub
Originator of:
- Sum of Alternating Sign Reciprocals of Sequence of Pairs of Consecutive Fibonacci Numbers is Reciprocal of Golden Mean Squared
- Sum of Reciprocals of Sequence of Pairs of Even Index Consecutive Fibonacci Numbers is Reciprocal of Golden Mean Squared
Allen J. Schwenk
Author of:
- 1970: Take-Away Games (The Fibonacci Quarterly Vol. 8: pp. 225 – 234)
William Raymond Scott
Author of:
- 1964: Group Theory
Santi Seguí
Author of:
- 2017: The Power of Data (with Eloi Puertas, Oriol Pujol Vila and Jordi Vitrià)
Rami Shakarchi
Author of:
- 2003: Fourier Analysis: An Introduction (with Elias M. Stein)
- 2003: Complex Analysis (with Elias M. Stein)
- 2005: Real Analysis: Measure Theory, Integration, and Hilbert Spaces (with Elias M. Stein)
- 2011: Functional Analysis: An Introduction to Further Topics in Analysis (with Elias M. Stein)
John Sharp
Author of:
- 1998: Have You Seen This Number? (The Mathematical Gazette Vol. 82: pp. 203 – 214)
Charles L. Shedd
Donald R. Sherbert
Author of:
- 2011: Introduction to Real Analysis, 4th ed. (with Robert G. Bartle)
Steven Eugene Shreve
Author of:
K. Shirriff
Author of:
- 1994: Computing Replicating Fibonacci Digits (J. Recr. Math. Vol. 26: pp. 191 – 193)
Arthur Warry Siddons
Author of:
- 1947: Four-Figure Tables (with C. Godfrey)
Barbara Sidway
Author of:
- 1714: Question 36 (The Ladies' Diary )
D.L. Silverman
Author of:
- 1960: E1408: The Highest Power of $2$ in the Numerator of $\sum_{i = 1}^k 1 / \left({2 i - 1}\right)$ (Amer. Math. Monthly Vol. 67: pp. 924 – 925) (with J. Selfridge)
Robert D. Silverman
Author of:
- 1988: Tables of Fibonacci and Lucas Factorizations (Math. Comp. Vol. 50: pp. 251 – 260) (with John Brillhart and Peter L. Montgomery)
G.J. Simmons
Author of:
- 1970: Palindromic powers (J. Recr. Math. Vol. 3, no. 2: pp. 93 – 98)
- 1972: On palindromic squares of non-palindromic numbers (J. Recr. Math. Vol. 5, no. 1: pp. 11 – 19)
C.F. Sirmans
Author of:
- 2003: Spatial modeling with spatially varying coefficient processes (JASA Vol. 98, no. 462: pp. 387 – 396) (with Alan E. Gelfand, Hyon-Jung Kim and Sudipto Banerjee)
- 2004: Nonstationary multivariate process modeling through spatially varying coregionalization (TEST Vol. 13, no. 2: pp. 263 – 312) (with Alan E. Gelfand, Alexandra M. Schmidt and Sudipto Banerjee)
Walter S. Sizer
Author of:
- Feb. 1986: Continued Roots (Math. Mag. Vol. 49, no. 1: pp. 23 – 27)
David Slowinski
American mathematician who has discovered of several of the largest known Mersenne primes.
He has also written several textbooks on the subject.
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Derek Alan Smith
Author of:
- 2003: On Quaternions And Octonions (with John H. Conway)
Peter Smith
Author of:
- 1977: Nonlinear Ordinary Differential Equations (with D.W. Jordan)
Thomas H. Southard
Contributor to:
- 1964: Handbook of Mathematical Functions (edited by Milton Abramowitz and Irene A. Stegun)
Dennis Spellman
Author of:
- 2009: Complex Variables, 2nd ed. (with Murray R. Spiegel, Seymour Lipschutz and John Schiller)
Chris Spicer
Author of:
- Nov. 2015: The Sheldon Conjecture (Math Horizons Vol. 23: pp. 12 – 15) (with Jessie Byrnes and Alyssa Turnquist)
- Feb. 2019: Proof of the Sheldon Conjecture (Amer. Math. Monthly Vol. 121, no. 1: pp. 1 – 10) (with Carl Pomerance)
Jürgen Spieß
Author of:
- 1990: Some Identities Involving Harmonic Numbers (Math. Comp. Vol. 55: pp. 839 – 863)
Abraham Spitzbart
Author of:
- 1958: Inverses of Vandermonde matrices (American Mathematical Monthly Vol. 65, no. 2: pp. 95 – 100) (with N. Macon)
R. Alu Srinivasan
Author of:
- 1975: Probability and Statistics (with Murray R. Spiegel and John Schiller)
- 2000: Probability and Statistics, 2nd ed. (with Murray R. Spiegel and John Schiller)
Michal Stajsczak
- Cube Number as Sum of Three Consecutive Odd Squares
- Fibonacci Number equal to Sum of Sequence of Cubes
- Smallest Pandigital Square
Raymond P. Steiner
Author of:
- 1991: Simplifying the solution of Ljunggren's equation $X^2 + 1 = 2 Y^4$ (J. Number Theor. Vol. 37, no. 2: pp. 123 – 132) (with Nikos Tzanakis)
F. Steinhardt
Translator (into English) of:
- 1951: Foundations of Analysis by Edmund Landau
Juris Steprans
Author of:
- 1994: The Evolution of Integration (Amer. Math. Monthly Vol. 101, no. 1: pp. 66 – 72) (with Abe Shenitzer)
R.M. Sternheimer
Author of:
Maxwell B. Stinchcombe
Author of:
- 2009: An Introduction to Mathematical Analysis for Economic Theory and Econometrics (with Dean Corbae and Juraj Zeman)
Kenneth B. Stolarsky
Definitions of concepts named for S can be found here.
Author of:
- 1976: Beatty sequences, continued fractions, and certain shift operators (Canadian Math. Bull. Vol. 19: pp. 473 – 482)
- 1977: Power and Exponential Sums of Digital Sums Related to Binomial Coefficient Parity (SIAM J. Appl. Math. Vol. 32: pp. 717 – 730)
Adrian Struyk
Author of:
- 1953: Mathematical Miscellanea (Vol. 46, no. 4: pp. 265 – 273)
Garrett Stuck
Author of:
- 2002: Introduction to Dynamical Systems (with Michael Brin)
John S. Sumner
Author of:
- Apr. 1992: Tetrahedra with Integer Edges and Integer Volume (Math. Mag. Vol. 65, no. 2: pp. 104 – 111) (with Kevin L. Dove)
Aram Aruti︠u︡novich Sveshnikov
Author of: