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This category has the following 40 subcategories, out of 40 total.
- Books/Algebra (2 P)
- Books/Arithmetic (8 P)
- Articles (16 P)
- Books/Category Theory (7 P)
- Books/Clay Tablets (7 P)
- Books/Crystallography (2 P)
- Books/Economics (13 P)
- Books/Entertainment (23 P)
- Books/Ergodic Theory (2 P)
- Flos (4 P)
- Lecture Notes (1 P)
- Liber Abaci (5 P)
- Books/Matroid Theory (1 P)
- Books/Operations Research (2 P)
- Books/Papyri (2 P)
- Books/Philosophy (42 P)
- Books/Reference (51 P)
- Books/Science (13 P)
- Books/Stochastic Calculus (1 P)
- Books/Stone Spaces (1 P)
- Books/Topos Theory (1 P)
- Books/Trigonometry (4 P)
Pages in category "Books"
The following 168 pages are in this category, out of 168 total.
- Book:A. Geary/Advanced Mathematics for Technical Students, Part I
- Book:A. Geary/Mathematics for Technical Students, Part One
- Book:A. Geary/Mathematics for Technical Students, Part Two
- Book:A.J.M. Spencer/Engineering Mathematics/Volume I
- Book:A.M. Yaglom/Challenging Mathematical Problems With Elementary Solutions/Volume I
- Book:A.M. Yaglom/Challenging Mathematical Problems With Elementary Solutions/Volume II
- Book:Albert Girard/Invention Nouvelle en l'Algèbre
- Book:Albert Violant i Holz/Fermat's Enigma
- Book:Alberto Gavira Romero/All Tied Up
- Book:Alberto Márquez/Catastrophe Theory
- Book:Alfred S. Posamentier/Magnificent Mistakes in Mathematics
- Book:Alfred Wrigley/Examples and Problems in Pure and Applied Mathematics
- Book:Antonio J. Durán Guardeño/The Truth is at the Limit
- Book:Antonio J. Durán/The Poetry of Numbers
- Book:Baldassarre Boncompagni/Scritti di Leonardo Pisano
- Book:Baldassarre Boncompagni/Scritti di Leonardo Pisano/Volume I
- Book:Baldassarre Boncompagni/Scritti di Leonardo Pisano/Volume II
- Book:Bernhard Bolzano/Paradoxien des Unendlichen
- Book:Bernhard H. Korte/Combinatorial Optimization: Theory and Algorithms
- Book:Bernhard H. Korte/Combinatorial Optimization: Theory and Algorithms/Fifth Edition
- Book:Bernhard H. Korte/Combinatorial Optimization: Theory and Algorithms/Fourth Edition
- Book:Bernhard H. Korte/Combinatorial Optimization: Theory and Algorithms/Second Edition
- Book:Bernhard H. Korte/Combinatorial Optimization: Theory and Algorithms/Sixth Edition
- Book:Bernhard H. Korte/Combinatorial Optimization: Theory and Algorithms/Third Edition
- Book:Books
- Book:Carl Friedrich Gauss/Werke
- Book:Carlos Madrid/The Butterfly and the Tornado
- Book:Carmen Galé Pola/The Secret of Good Organisation
- Book:Clara Grima/Living in a Small World
- Book:Clara Grima/Observations, Measures and Models
- Book:Claudi Alsina/The Sect of Numbers
- Book:Claudi Alsina/The Thousand Faces of Geometric Beauty
- Book:Claudi Alsina/Underground Maps and Neural Networks
- Book:Clement V. Durell/Advanced Algebra/Volume I
- Book:Eduardo Arroyo/A Mathematical Journey from the Particle to Everything
- Book:Edward Cocker/Arithmetick
- Book:Edward Waring/Meditationes Algebraicae
- Book:Edward Waring/Miscellanea Analytica
- Book:Eloi Puertas/The Power of Data
- Book:Enrique F. Borja/Any More Bids?
- Book:Enrique Gracián/An Endless Discovery
- Book:Enrique Gracián/Prime Numbers
- Book:Euclid/The Elements/Translations and Editions
- Book:G. Stephenson/Mathematical Methods for Science Students
- Book:G. Stephenson/Mathematical Methods for Science Students/Second Edition
- Book:Galileo Galilei/Discorsi e Dimostrazioni Matematiche Intorno a Due Nuove Scienze
- Book:George Polya/The Stanford Mathematics Problem Book
- Book:Gerolamo Cardano/Artis Magnae, Sive de Regulis Algebraicis
- Book:Guillermo Curbera/Mathematical Network
- Book:Gustavo Ernesto Piñeiro/The Story of an Imaginary Number
- Book:Gustavo Piñeiro/e for Extraordinary
- Book:Gustavo Piñeiro/The Sphere that Wanted to be Infinite
- Book:H.S.M. Coxeter/Geometry Revisited
- Book:H.V. Lowry/Advanced Mathematics for Technical Students, Part II
- Book:H.V. Lowry/Advanced Mathematics for Technical Students, Part II/Second Edition
- Book:Heinrich Dörrie/100 Great Problems of Elementary Mathematics
- Book:Heinrich Dörrie/Triumph der Mathematik
- Book:Hugo Steinhaus/One Hundred Problems in Elementary Mathematics
- Book:Ian Stewart/Mathematics of Life
- Book:Ignasi Belda/Mathematical Bits
- Book:Ignasi Belda/Minds, Machines and Mathematics
- Book:Iolanda Guevara/Getting the Measure of the World
- Book:Isaac Newton/Arithmetica Universalis
- Book:Isaac Newton/Universal Arithmetick, Or, A Treatise of Arithmetical Composition and Resolution
- Book:Ivan Niven/Maxima and Minima without Calculus
- Book:Ivor Thomas/Greek Mathematical Works: Aristarchus to Pappus
- Book:Ivor Thomas/Greek Mathematical Works: Thales to Euclid
- Book:Jan Gullberg/Mathematics: From the Birth of Numbers
- Book:Javier Arbonés/Harmony is Numerical
- Book:Javier Fresán/The Dream of Reason
- Book:Javier Fresán/Until Algebra do us Part
- Book:Jay Cummings/Proofs
- Book:Jean Leurechon/Selectæ Propositiones in Tota Sparsim Mathematica Pulcherrimæ
- Book:Joan Gómez Urgellés/When Straight Lines become Curves
- Book:Joan Gómez/Mathematicians, Spies and Hackers
- Book:Joaquín Navarro/Fleeting Ideas, Eternal Theorems
- Book:Joaquín Navarro/On the Other Side of the Mirror
- Book:Joaquín Navarro/Secrets of Pi
- Book:Joaquín Navarro/The Secret Life of Numbers
- Book:Joaquín Navarro/Women in Mathematics
- Book:Johann Heinrich Rahn/Teutsche Algebra
- Book:John Hill/Arithmetick, Both in the Theory and Practice
- Book:John Wallis/A Treatise on Algebra
- Book:Jordan Ellenberg/How Not to be Wrong
- Book:Jordi Deulofeu/Prisoners with Dilemmas and Dominant Strategies
- Book:Josep Sales/Curious Curves
- Book:Joseph Louis Lagrange/Réflexions sur la Résolution Algébrique des Equations
- Book:Joseph O'Rourke/Art Gallery Theorems and Algorithms
- Book:Juanjo Rué/The Art of Counting
- Book:L. Harwood Clarke/A Note Book in Pure Mathematics
- Book:Lamberto García del Cid/Notable Numbers
- Book:Lancelot Hogben/Mathematics for the Million
- Book:Lancelot Hogben/The Wonderful World of Mathematics
- Book:Leonardo Fibonacci/Flos
- Book:Leonardo Fibonacci/Liber Abaci
- Book:Leonardo Fibonacci/Liber Abaci/Translations and Editions
- Book:Leonardo Fibonacci/Liber Quadratorum
- Book:Lilian R. Lieber/Modern Mathematics for T. C. Mits
- Book:Lluis Artal/Mortgages and Equations
- Book:Luis Fernando Areán/Unsolvable Problems -- do they Exist?
- Book:Malcolm E. Lines/A Number for your Thoughts
- Book:Margaret M. Gow/A Course in Pure Mathematics
- Book:Maria Isabel Binimelis Bassa/A New Way of Seeing the World
- Book:Miquel Albertí/Creativity in Mathematics
- Book:Miquel Albertí/Easy or Difficult?
- Book:Miquel Albertí/Endless Mosaics
- Book:Miquel Albertí/Planet Mathematics
- Book:Nate Silver/The Signal and the Noise
- Book:Nicolas Chuquet/Triparty en la Science des Nombres
- Book:Nicole Oresme/Algorismus proportionum
- Book:Nicole Oresme/De proportionibus proportionum
- Book:Nicolo Tartaglia/General Trattato di Numeri et Misure
- Book:Nicolo Tartaglia/Quesiti, et Inventioni Diverse
- Book:Patrick J. Murphy/The New Mathematics Made Simple
- Book:Patrick J. Murphy/The New Mathematics Made Simple/Second Edition
- Book:Pedro Castro Ortega/Bayes' Theorem
- Book:Pere Grima/Absolute Certainty and Other Fictions
- Book:Pere Grima/Mathematics on the Front Page
- Book:Peter Barlow/A New Mathematical and Philosophical Dictionary
- Book:R. Wesley/Mathematics For All
- Book:Rafael Bombelli/L'Algebra
- Book:Rafael Lahoz-Beltra/The Mathematics of Life
- Book:Raúl Ibáñez Torres/From Chess to Graphs
- Book:Raúl Ibáñez/The Dream of the Perfect Map
- Book:Raúl Ibáñez/The Fourth Dimension
- Book:Richard Courant/What is Mathematics?
- Book:Richard Courant/What is Mathematics?/Second Revised Edition
- Book:Rob Eastaway/How Long is a Piece of String?
- Book:Rob Eastaway/Why do Buses Come in Threes?
- Book:Robert Recorde/The Grounde of Artes, teachings the Worke and Practise, of Arithmeticke, both in whole numbers and fractions
- Book:Robert Recorde/The Pathway to Knowledge, containing the First Principles of Geometry ... bothe for the use of Instrumentes Geometricall and Astronomicall, and also for Projection of Plattes
- Book:Robert Recorde/The Whetstone of Witte, whiche is the seconde parte of Arithmeteke: containing the extraction of rootes; the cossike practise, with the rule of equation; and the workes of Surde Nombers
- Book:Rosa Maria Ros/Cosmic Calculations
- Book:The Rev. Alfred Wrigley/Wrigley's Examples/Fifth Edition
- Book:The Rev. Alfred Wrigley/Wrigley's Examples/Fourth Edition
- Book:The Rev. Alfred Wrigley/Wrigley's Examples/Second Edition
- Book:The Rev. Alfred Wrigley/Wrigley's Examples/Seventh Edition
- Book:The Rev. Alfred Wrigley/Wrigley's Examples/Sixth Edition
- Book:The Rev. Alfred Wrigley/Wrigley's Examples/Third Edition
- Book:Thierry Vialar/Handbook of Mathematics
- Book:Thomas Harriot/Artis Analyticae Praxis ad Aequationes Algebraicas Resolvendas
- Book:Thomas Leybourn/The Mathematical Questions Proposed in the Ladies' Diary and Their Original Answers
- Book:Thomas Simpson/Mathematical Dissertations on Physical and Analytical Subjects
- Book:W.J. Reichmann/The Spell of Mathematics
- Book:W.P. Workman/The Tutorial Arithmetic
- Book:W.P. Workman/The Tutorial Arithmetic/Fifth Edition
- Book:W.P. Workman/The Tutorial Arithmetic/Fourth Edition
- Book:W.P. Workman/The Tutorial Arithmetic/Second Edition
- Book:W.P. Workman/The Tutorial Arithmetic/Sixth Edition
- Book:W.P. Workman/The Tutorial Arithmetic/Third Edition
- Book:W.R. Paton/The Greek Anthology Book XIV
- Book:W.W. Sawyer/Mathematics In Theory and Practice
- Book:William Carmichael McIntosh/University of Saint Andrews Five Hundredth Anniversary Memorial Volume
- Book:William Frend/The Principles of Algebra
- Book:William Jones/Synopsis Palmariorum Matheseos