Help:LaTeX Editing
- This page is about technical instructions. For stylistic remarks on $\LaTeX$ editing, see Help:Editing/House Style/Mathematical Symbols
$\LaTeX$ Editing
In general, contributors are assumed to be up to speed with some form of $\LaTeX$; a web search should be sufficient to find ample reference on how to get started with it, should you still need to.
The "External references" section below may also be consulted.
The $\LaTeX$ interpreter used on this site is brought to you by MathJax.
This produces an experience different from that produced by the MediaWiki interpreter which is (at time of writing) the one used by Wikipedia and other places.
It also has a subtly different syntax in places. Specific instances will be detailed where relevant.
$\LaTeX$ delimiters
To display an equation in line with some text, the equation should be enclosed in single dollar signs: $ ... $
Note that \( ... \)
also works, but takes more effort to type and so is less recommended.
There may (but we hope not) still be some pages with <math> ... </math>
in them. This is a holdover from when MediaWiki was the interpreter used for $\LaTeX$ commands. It still works in MathJax after a fashion but on transcluded pages, such enclosed $\LaTeX$ will not be converted to mathematical symbols.
If you see any, then feel free to change them to $
signs, as they should not be there.
No longer supported
The following $\LaTeX$ commands are not supported in MathJax, but may still be present in some pages. When found they need to be replaced.
- For $\lor$:
to be replaced by\lor
- For $\land$:
to be replaced by\land
- For $\R$:
to be replaced by\R
- For $\exists$:
to be replaced by\exists
- For producing fixed width text in math mode:
needs to be replaced by\mathtt
If you find any more examples, add them here.
New commands
New commands can be requested and discussed at Symbols:LaTeX Commands/ProofWiki Specific, transcluded here:
\(\AA\) | $\quad:\quad$\AA
$\qquad$that is: \mathcal A
\(\Add\) | $\quad:\quad$\Add
$\qquad$Addition as a Primitive Recursive Function | |
\(\adj {\mathbf A}\) | $\quad:\quad$\adj {\mathbf A}
$\qquad$Adjugate Matrix | |
\(\map \Ai {x}\) | $\quad:\quad$\map \Ai {x}
$\qquad$Airy Function of the First Kind | |
\(\am z\) | $\quad:\quad$\am z
$\qquad$Amplitude | |
\(\arccot\) | $\quad:\quad$\arccot
$\qquad$Arccotangent | |
\(\arccsc\) | $\quad:\quad$\arccsc
$\qquad$Arccosecant | |
\(\arcosh\) | $\quad:\quad$\arcosh
$\qquad$Area Hyperbolic Cosine | |
\(\Arcosh\) | $\quad:\quad$\Arcosh
$\qquad$Complex Area Hyperbolic Cosine | |
\(\arcoth\) | $\quad:\quad$\arcoth
$\qquad$Area Hyperbolic Cotangent | |
\(\Arcoth\) | $\quad:\quad$\Arcoth
$\qquad$Complex Area Hyperbolic Cotangent | |
\(\arcsch\) | $\quad:\quad$\arcsch
$\qquad$Area Hyperbolic Cosecant | |
\(\Arcsch\) | $\quad:\quad$\Arcsch
$\qquad$Complex Area Hyperbolic Cosecant | |
\(\arcsec\) | $\quad:\quad$\arcsec
$\qquad$Arcsecant | |
\(\arsech\) | $\quad:\quad$\arsech
$\qquad$Area Hyperbolic Secant | |
\(\Arsech\) | $\quad:\quad$\Arsech
$\qquad$Complex Area Hyperbolic Secant | |
\(\arsinh\) | $\quad:\quad$\arsinh
$\qquad$Area Hyperbolic Sine | |
\(\Arsinh\) | $\quad:\quad$\Arsinh
$\qquad$Complex Area Hyperbolic Sine | |
\(\artanh\) | $\quad:\quad$\artanh
$\qquad$Area Hyperbolic Tangent | |
\(\Artanh\) | $\quad:\quad$\Artanh
$\qquad$Complex Area Hyperbolic Tangent | |
\(\Area\) | $\quad:\quad$\Area
$\qquad$Area of Plane Figure | |
\(\Arg z\) | $\quad:\quad$\Arg z
$\qquad$Principal Argument of Complex Number | |
\(\Aut {S}\) | $\quad:\quad$\Aut {S}
$\qquad$Automorphism Group | |
\(\BB\) | $\quad:\quad$\BB
$\qquad$that is: \mathcal B
\(\Bei\) | $\quad:\quad$\Bei
$\qquad$Bei Function | |
\(\Ber\) | $\quad:\quad$\Ber
$\qquad$Ber Function | |
\(\Bernoulli {p}\) | $\quad:\quad$\Bernoulli {p}
$\qquad$Bernoulli Distribution | |
\(\BetaDist {\alpha} {\beta}\) | $\quad:\quad$\BetaDist {\alpha} {\beta}
$\qquad$Beta Distribution | |
\(\bigintlimits {\map f s} {s \mathop = 0} {s \mathop = a}\) | $\quad:\quad$\bigintlimits {\map f s} {s \mathop = 0} {s \mathop = a}
$\qquad$Limits of Integration | |
\(\bigsize {x}\) | $\quad:\quad$\bigsize {x}
$\qquad$Absolute Value | |
\(\bigvalueat {\delta x} {x \mathop = x_j} \) | $\quad:\quad$\bigvalueat {\delta x} {x \mathop = x_j}
\(\Binomial {n} {p}\) | $\quad:\quad$\Binomial {n} {p}
$\qquad$Binomial Distribution | |
\(\braket {a} {b}\) | $\quad:\quad$\braket {a} {b}
$\qquad$Dirac Notation | |
\(\bsalpha\) | $\quad:\quad$\bsalpha
\(\bsbeta\) | $\quad:\quad$\bsbeta
\(\bschi\) | $\quad:\quad$\bschi
\(\bsDelta\) | $\quad:\quad$\bsDelta
$\qquad$a vector '$\Delta$' | |
\(\bsdelta\) | $\quad:\quad$\bsdelta
\(\bsepsilon\) | $\quad:\quad$\bsepsilon
\(\bseta\) | $\quad:\quad$\bseta
\(\bsgamma\) | $\quad:\quad$\bsgamma
\(\bsiota\) | $\quad:\quad$\bsiota
\(\bskappa\) | $\quad:\quad$\bskappa
\(\bslambda\) | $\quad:\quad$\bslambda
\(\bsmu\) | $\quad:\quad$\bsmu
\(\bsnu\) | $\quad:\quad$\bsnu
\(\bsomega\) | $\quad:\quad$\bsomega
\(\bsomicron\) | $\quad:\quad$\bsomicron
\(\bsone\) | $\quad:\quad$\bsone
$\qquad$vector of ones | |
\(\bsphi\) | $\quad:\quad$\bsphi
\(\bspi\) | $\quad:\quad$\bspi
\(\bspsi\) | $\quad:\quad$\bspsi
\(\bsrho\) | $\quad:\quad$\bsrho
\(\bssigma\) | $\quad:\quad$\bssigma
\(\bst\) | $\quad:\quad$\bst
$\qquad$a vector 't' | |
\(\bstau\) | $\quad:\quad$\bstau
\(\bstheta\) | $\quad:\quad$\bstheta
\(\bsupsilon\) | $\quad:\quad$\bsupsilon
\(\bsv\) | $\quad:\quad$\bsv
$\qquad$a vector 'v' | |
\(\bsw\) | $\quad:\quad$\bsw
$\qquad$a vector 'w' | |
\(\bsx\) | $\quad:\quad$\bsx
$\qquad$a vector 'x' | |
\(\bsxi\) | $\quad:\quad$\bsxi
\(\bsy\) | $\quad:\quad$\bsy
$\qquad$a vector 'y' | |
\(\bsz\) | $\quad:\quad$\bsz
$\qquad$a vector 'z' | |
\(\bszero\) | $\quad:\quad$\bszero
$\qquad$vector of zeros | |
\(\bszeta\) | $\quad:\quad$\bszeta
\(\map \Card {S}\) | $\quad:\quad$\map \Card {S}
$\qquad$Cardinality | |
\(\card {S}\) | $\quad:\quad$\card {S}
$\qquad$Cardinality | |
\(\Cauchy {x_0} {\gamma}\) | $\quad:\quad$\Cauchy {x_0} {\gamma}
$\qquad$Cauchy Distribution | |
\(\CC\) | $\quad:\quad$\CC
$\qquad$that is: \mathcal C
\(\Cdm {f}\) | $\quad:\quad$\Cdm {f}
$\qquad$Codomain of Mapping | |
\(\ceiling {11.98}\) | $\quad:\quad$\ceiling {11.98}
$\qquad$Ceiling Function | |
\(30 \cels\) | $\quad:\quad$30 \cels
$\qquad$Degrees Celsius | |
\(15 \cents\) | $\quad:\quad$15 \cents
$\qquad$Cent | |
\(\Char {R}\) | $\quad:\quad$\Char {R}
$\qquad$Characteristic of Ring, etc. | |
\(\Ci\) | $\quad:\quad$\Ci
$\qquad$Cosine Integral Function | |
\(\cis \theta\) | $\quad:\quad$\cis \theta
$\qquad$$\cos \theta + i \sin \theta$ | |
\(\map \cl {S}\) | $\quad:\quad$\map \cl {S}
$\qquad$Closure (Topology) | |
\(\closedint {a} {b}\) | $\quad:\quad$\closedint {a} {b}
$\qquad$Closed Interval | |
\(\closedrect {\mathbf a_1} {\mathbf a_2}\) | $\quad:\quad$\closedrect {\mathbf a_1} {\mathbf a_2}
$\qquad$Closed Rectangle | |
\(\cmod {z^2}\) | $\quad:\quad$\cmod {z^2}
$\qquad$Complex Modulus | |
\(\cn u\) | $\quad:\quad$\cn u
$\qquad$Elliptic Function | |
\(\condprob {A} {B}\) | $\quad:\quad$\condprob {A} {B}
$\qquad$Conditional Probability | |
\(\conjclass {x}\) | $\quad:\quad$\conjclass {x}
$\qquad$Conjugacy Class | |
\(\cont {f}\) | $\quad:\quad$\cont {f}
$\qquad$Content of Polynomial | |
\(\ContinuousUniform {a} {b}\) | $\quad:\quad$\ContinuousUniform {a} {b}
$\qquad$Continuous Uniform Distribution | |
\(\cosec\) | $\quad:\quad$\cosec
$\qquad$Cosecant (alternative form) | |
\(\Cosh\) | $\quad:\quad$\Cosh
$\qquad$Hyperbolic Cosine | |
\(\Coth\) | $\quad:\quad$\Coth
$\qquad$Hyperbolic Cotangent | |
\(\cov {X, Y}\) | $\quad:\quad$\cov {X, Y}
$\qquad$Covariance | |
\(\csch\) | $\quad:\quad$\csch
$\qquad$Hyperbolic Cosecant | |
\(\Csch\) | $\quad:\quad$\Csch
$\qquad$Hyperbolic Cosecant | |
\(\curl\) | $\quad:\quad$\curl
$\qquad$Curl Operator | |
\(\DD\) | $\quad:\quad$\DD
$\qquad$that is: \mathcal D
\(\dfrac {\d x} {\d y}\) | $\quad:\quad$\dfrac {\d x} {\d y}
$\qquad$Roman $\d$ for Derivatives | |
\(30 \degrees\) | $\quad:\quad$30 \degrees
$\qquad$Degrees of Angle | |
\(\diam\) | $\quad:\quad$\diam
$\qquad$Diameter | |
\(\Dic n\) | $\quad:\quad$\Dic n
$\qquad$Dicyclic Group | |
\(\DiscreteUniform {n}\) | $\quad:\quad$\DiscreteUniform {n}
$\qquad$Discrete Uniform Distribution | |
\(a \divides b\) | $\quad:\quad$a \divides b
$\qquad$Divisibility | |
\(\dn u\) | $\quad:\quad$\dn u
$\qquad$Elliptic Function | |
\(\Dom {f}\) | $\quad:\quad$\Dom {f}
$\qquad$Domain of Mapping | |
\(\dr {a}\) | $\quad:\quad$\dr {a}
$\qquad$Digital Root | |
\(\E\) | $\quad:\quad$\E
$\qquad$Elementary Charge | |
\(\EE\) | $\quad:\quad$\EE
$\qquad$that is: \mathcal E
\(\Ei\) | $\quad:\quad$\Ei
$\qquad$Exponential Integral Function | |
\(\empty\) | $\quad:\quad$\empty
$\qquad$Empty Set | |
\(\eqclass {x} {\RR}\) | $\quad:\quad$\eqclass {x} {\RR}
$\qquad$Equivalence Class | |
\(\erf\) | $\quad:\quad$\erf
$\qquad$Error Function | |
\(\erfc\) | $\quad:\quad$\erfc
$\qquad$Complementary Error Function | |
\(\expect {X}\) | $\quad:\quad$\expect {X}
$\qquad$Expectation | |
\(\Exponential {\beta}\) | $\quad:\quad$\Exponential {\beta}
$\qquad$Exponential Distribution | |
\(\Ext {\gamma}\) | $\quad:\quad$\Ext {\gamma}
$\qquad$Exterior | |
\(\F\) | $\quad:\quad$\F
$\qquad$False | |
\(30 \fahr\) | $\quad:\quad$30 \fahr
$\qquad$Degrees Fahrenheit | |
\(\family {S_i}\) | $\quad:\quad$\family {S_i}
$\qquad$Indexed Family | |
\(\FF\) | $\quad:\quad$\FF
$\qquad$that is: \mathcal F
\(\Field {\RR} \) | $\quad:\quad$\Field {\RR}
\(\Fix {\pi}\) | $\quad:\quad$\Fix {\pi}
$\qquad$Set of Fixed Elements | |
\(\floor {11.98}\) | $\quad:\quad$\floor {11.98}
$\qquad$Floor Function | |
\(\fractpart {x}\) | $\quad:\quad$\fractpart {x}
$\qquad$Fractional Part | |
\(\map \Frob {R}\) | $\quad:\quad$\map \Frob {R}
$\qquad$Frobenius Endomorphism | |
\(\Gal {S}\) | $\quad:\quad$\Gal {S}
$\qquad$Galois Group | |
\(\Gaussian {\mu} {\sigma^2}\) | $\quad:\quad$\Gaussian {\mu} {\sigma^2}
$\qquad$Normal Distribution | |
\(\gen {S}\) | $\quad:\quad$\gen {S}
$\qquad$Generator | |
\(\Geometric {p}\) | $\quad:\quad$\Geometric {p}
$\qquad$Geometric Distribution | |
\(\GF\) | $\quad:\quad$\GF
$\qquad$Galois Field | |
\(\GG\) | $\quad:\quad$\GG
$\qquad$that is: \mathcal G
\(\GL {n, \R}\) | $\quad:\quad$\GL {n, \R}
$\qquad$General Linear Group | |
\(\grad {p}\) | $\quad:\quad$\grad {p}
$\qquad$Gradient | |
\(\harm {r} {z}\) | $\quad:\quad$\harm {r} {z}
$\qquad$General Harmonic Numbers | |
\(\hav \theta\) | $\quad:\quad$\hav \theta
$\qquad$Haversine | |
\(\hcf\) | $\quad:\quad$\hcf
$\qquad$Highest Common Factor | |
\(\H\) | $\quad:\quad$\H
$\qquad$Set of Quaternions | |
\(\HH\) | $\quad:\quad$\HH
$\qquad$Hilbert Space | |
\(\hointl {a} {b}\) | $\quad:\quad$\hointl {a} {b}
$\qquad$Left Half-Open Interval | |
\(\hointr {a} {b}\) | $\quad:\quad$\hointr {a} {b}
$\qquad$Right Half-Open Interval | |
\(\horectl {\mathbf a} {\mathbf b}\) | $\quad:\quad$\horectl {\mathbf a} {\mathbf b}
$\qquad$Half-Open Rectangle (on the left) | |
\(\horectr {\mathbf c} {\mathbf d}\) | $\quad:\quad$\horectr {\mathbf c} {\mathbf d}
$\qquad$Half-Open Rectangle (on the right) | |
\(\ideal {a}\) | $\quad:\quad$\ideal {a}
$\qquad$Ideal of Ring | |
\(\II\) | $\quad:\quad$\II
$\qquad$that is: \mathcal I
\(\map \Im z\) | $\quad:\quad$\map \Im z
$\qquad$Imaginary Part | |
\(\Img {f}\) | $\quad:\quad$\Img {f}
$\qquad$Image of Mapping | |
\(\index {G} {H}\) | $\quad:\quad$\index {G} {H}
$\qquad$Index of Subgroup | |
\(\inj\) | $\quad:\quad$\inj
$\qquad$Canonical Injection | |
\(\Inn {S}\) | $\quad:\quad$\Inn {S}
$\qquad$Group of Inner Automorphisms | |
\(\innerprod {x} {y}\) | $\quad:\quad$\innerprod {x} {y}
$\qquad$Inner Product | |
\(\Int {\gamma}\) | $\quad:\quad$\Int {\gamma}
$\qquad$Interior | |
\(\intlimits {\dfrac {\map f s} s} {s \mathop = 1} {s \mathop = a}\) | $\quad:\quad$\intlimits {\dfrac {\map f s} s} {s \mathop = 1} {s \mathop = a}
$\qquad$Limits of Integration | |
\(\inv {f} {x}\) | $\quad:\quad$\inv {f} {x}
$\qquad$Inverse Mapping | |
\(\invlaptrans {F}\) | $\quad:\quad$\invlaptrans {F}
$\qquad$Inverse Laplace Transform | |
\(\JJ\) | $\quad:\quad$\JJ
$\qquad$that is: \mathcal J
\(\Kei\) | $\quad:\quad$\Kei
$\qquad$Kei Function | |
\(\Ker\) | $\quad:\quad$\Ker
$\qquad$Ker Function | |
\(\KK\) | $\quad:\quad$\KK
$\qquad$that is: \mathcal K
\(\laptrans {f}\) | $\quad:\quad$\laptrans {f}
$\qquad$Laplace Transform | |
\(\lcm \set {x, y, z}\) | $\quad:\quad$\lcm \set {x, y, z}
$\qquad$Lowest Common Multiple | |
\(\leadstoandfrom\) | $\quad:\quad$\leadstoandfrom
\(\leftset {a, b, c}\) | $\quad:\quad$\leftset {a, b, c}
$\qquad$Conventional set notation (left only) | |
\(\leftparen {a + b + c}\) | $\quad:\quad$\leftparen {a + b + c}
$\qquad$Parenthesis (left only) | |
\(\map \len {AB}\) | $\quad:\quad$\map \len {AB}
$\qquad$Length Function: various | |
\(\Li\) | $\quad:\quad$\Li
$\qquad$Eulerian Logarithmic Integral | |
\(\li\) | $\quad:\quad$\li
$\qquad$Logarithmic Integral | |
\(\LL\) | $\quad:\quad$\LL
$\qquad$that is: \mathcal L
\(\Ln\) | $\quad:\quad$\Ln
$\qquad$Principal Branch of Complex Natural Logarithm | |
\(\Log\) | $\quad:\quad$\Log
$\qquad$Principal Branch of Complex Natural Logarithm | |
\(\loweradjoint {\mathbf J}\) | $\quad:\quad$\loweradjoint {\mathbf J}
$\qquad$Galois Connections | |
\(\map {f} {x}\) | $\quad:\quad$\map {f} {x}
$\qquad$Mapping or Function | |
\(\meta {metasymbol}\) | $\quad:\quad$\meta {metasymbol}
$\qquad$Metasymbol | |
\(27 \minutes\) | $\quad:\quad$27 \minutes
$\qquad$Minutes of Angle or Minutes of Time | |
\(\MM\) | $\quad:\quad$\MM
$\qquad$that is: \mathcal M
\(\Mult\) | $\quad:\quad$\Mult
$\qquad$Multiplication as a Primitive Recursive Function | |
\(\multiset {a, b, c}\) | $\quad:\quad$\multiset {a, b, c}
$\qquad$Multiset | |
\(\map \nec P\) | $\quad:\quad$\map \nec P
$\qquad$it is necessary that $P$ | |
\(\NegativeBinomial {n} {p}\) | $\quad:\quad$\NegativeBinomial {n} {p}
$\qquad$Negative Binomial Distribution | |
\(\Nil {R}\) | $\quad:\quad$\Nil {R}
$\qquad$Nilradical of Ring | |
\(\nint {11.98}\) | $\quad:\quad$\nint {11.98}
$\qquad$Nearest Integer Function | |
\(\NN\) | $\quad:\quad$\NN
$\qquad$that is: \mathcal N
\(\norm {z^2}\) | $\quad:\quad$\norm {z^2}
$\qquad$Norm | |
\(\O\) | $\quad:\quad$\O
$\qquad$Empty Set | |
\(\OO\) | $\quad:\quad$\OO
$\qquad$that is: \mathcal O
\(\oo\) | $\quad:\quad$\oo
$\qquad$that is: \mathcal o
\(\oldpence\) | $\quad:\quad$\oldpence
$\qquad$old pence | |
\(\On\) | $\quad:\quad$\On
$\qquad$Class of All Ordinals | |
\(\openint {a} {b}\) | $\quad:\quad$\openint {a} {b}
$\qquad$Open Interval | |
\(\openrect {\mathbf a_1} {\mathbf a_2}\) | $\quad:\quad$\openrect {\mathbf a_1} {\mathbf a_2}
$\qquad$Open Rectangle | |
\(\Orb S\) | $\quad:\quad$\Orb S
$\qquad$Orbit | |
\(\Ord {S}\) | $\quad:\quad$\Ord {S}
$\qquad$$S$ is an Ordinal | |
\(\order {G}\) | $\quad:\quad$\order {G}
$\qquad$Order of Structure, and so on | |
\(\ot\) | $\quad:\quad$\ot
$\qquad$Order Type | |
\(\Out {G}\) | $\quad:\quad$\Out {G}
$\qquad$Group of Outer Automorphisms | |
\(\paren {a + b + c}\) | $\quad:\quad$\paren {a + b + c}
$\qquad$Parenthesis | |
\(\ph z\) | $\quad:\quad$\ph z
$\qquad$Phase | |
\(\Poisson {\lambda}\) | $\quad:\quad$\Poisson {\lambda}
$\qquad$Poisson Distribution | |
\(\polar {r, \theta}\) | $\quad:\quad$\polar {r, \theta}
$\qquad$Polar Form of Complex Number | |
\(\map \pos P\) | $\quad:\quad$\map \pos P
$\qquad$it is possible that $P$ | |
\(\pounds\) | $\quad:\quad$\pounds
$\qquad$Pound Sterling | |
\(\powerset {S}\) | $\quad:\quad$\powerset {S}
$\qquad$Power Set | |
\(\PP\) | $\quad:\quad$\PP
$\qquad$that is: \mathcal P
\(\map {\pr_j} {F}\) | $\quad:\quad$\map {\pr_j} {F}
$\qquad$Projection | |
\(\Preimg {f}\) | $\quad:\quad$\Preimg {f}
$\qquad$Preimage of Mapping | |
\(\map {\proj_\mathbf v} {\mathbf u}\) | $\quad:\quad$\map {\proj_\mathbf v} {\mathbf u}
$\qquad$Vector Projection | |
\(\PV\) | $\quad:\quad$\PV
$\qquad$Cauchy Principal Value | |
\(\QQ\) | $\quad:\quad$\QQ
$\qquad$that is: \mathcal Q
\(\radians\) | $\quad:\quad$\radians
$\qquad$Radian | |
\(\Rad\) | $\quad:\quad$\Rad
$\qquad$Radical of Ideal of Ring | |
\(\ds \int \map f x \rd x\) | $\quad:\quad$\ds \int \map f x \rd x
$\qquad$Roman $\d$ for use in Integrals | |
\(\rD\) | $\quad:\quad$\rD
$\qquad$Differential Operator | |
\(y \rdelta x\) | $\quad:\quad$y \rdelta x
$\qquad$$\delta$ operator for use in sums | |
\(30 \rankine\) | $\quad:\quad$30 \rankine
$\qquad$Degrees Rankine | |
\(\map \Re z\) | $\quad:\quad$\map \Re z
$\qquad$Real Part | |
\(\relcomp {S} {A}\) | $\quad:\quad$\relcomp {S} {A}
$\qquad$Relative Complement | |
\(\rem\) | $\quad:\quad$\rem
$\qquad$Remainder | |
\(\Res {f} {z_0}\) | $\quad:\quad$\Res {f} {z_0}
$\qquad$Residue | |
\(\rightparen {a + b + c}\) | $\quad:\quad$\rightparen {a + b + c}
$\qquad$Parenthesis (right only) | |
\(\rightset {a, b, c}\) | $\quad:\quad$\rightset {a, b, c}
$\qquad$Conventional set notation (right only) | |
\(\Rng {f}\) | $\quad:\quad$\Rng {f}
$\qquad$Range of Mapping | |
\(\RR\) | $\quad:\quad$\RR
$\qquad$that is: \mathcal R
\(\sech\) | $\quad:\quad$\sech
$\qquad$Hyperbolic Secant | |
\(\Sech\) | $\quad:\quad$\Sech
$\qquad$Hyperbolic Secant | |
\(53 \seconds\) | $\quad:\quad$53 \seconds
$\qquad$Seconds of Angle or Seconds of Time | |
\(\sequence {a_n}\) | $\quad:\quad$\sequence {a_n}
$\qquad$Sequence | |
\(\set {a, b, c}\) | $\quad:\quad$\set {a, b, c}
$\qquad$Conventional set notation | |
\(\ShiftedGeometric {p}\) | $\quad:\quad$\ShiftedGeometric {p}
$\qquad$Shifted Geometric Distribution | |
\(\shillings\) | $\quad:\quad$\shillings
$\qquad$shillings | |
\(\Si\) | $\quad:\quad$\Si
$\qquad$Sine Integral Function | |
\(\Sinh\) | $\quad:\quad$\Sinh
$\qquad$Hyperbolic Sine | |
\(\size {x}\) | $\quad:\quad$\size {x}
$\qquad$Absolute Value, and so on | |
\(\SL {n, \R}\) | $\quad:\quad$\SL {n, \R}
$\qquad$Special Linear Group | |
\(\sn u\) | $\quad:\quad$\sn u
$\qquad$Elliptic Function | |
\(\span\) | $\quad:\quad$\span
$\qquad$Linear Span | |
\(\Spec {R}\) | $\quad:\quad$\Spec {R}
$\qquad$Spectrum of Ring | |
\(\sqbrk {a} \) | $\quad:\quad$\sqbrk {a}
\(\SS\) | $\quad:\quad$\SS
$\qquad$that is: \mathcal S
\(\Stab x\) | $\quad:\quad$\Stab x
$\qquad$Stabilizer | |
\(\stratgame {N} {A_i} {\succsim_i}\) | $\quad:\quad$\stratgame {N} {A_i} {\succsim_i}
$\qquad$Strategic Game | |
\(\struct {G, \circ}\) | $\quad:\quad$\struct {G, \circ}
$\qquad$Algebraic Structure | |
\(\StudentT {k}\) | $\quad:\quad$\StudentT {k}
$\qquad$Student's t-Distribution | |
\(\SU {n}\) | $\quad:\quad$\SU {n}
$\qquad$Unimodular Unitary Group | |
\(\Succ\) | $\quad:\quad$\Succ
$\qquad$Successor Function | |
\(\supp\) | $\quad:\quad$\supp
$\qquad$Support | |
\(\Syl {p} {N}\) | $\quad:\quad$\Syl {p} {N}
$\qquad$Sylow $p$-Subgroup | |
\(\symdif\) | $\quad:\quad$\symdif
$\qquad$Symmetric Difference | |
\(\T\) | $\quad:\quad$\T
$\qquad$True | |
\(\Tanh\) | $\quad:\quad$\Tanh
$\qquad$Hyperbolic Tangent | |
\(\tr\) | $\quad:\quad$\tr
$\qquad$Trace | |
\(\TT\) | $\quad:\quad$\TT
$\qquad$that is: \mathcal T
\(\tuple {a, b, c}\) | $\quad:\quad$\tuple {a, b, c}
$\qquad$Ordered Tuple | |
\(\upperadjoint {\mathbf J}\) | $\quad:\quad$\upperadjoint {\mathbf J}
$\qquad$Galois Connections | |
\(\U\) | $\quad:\quad$\U
$\qquad$Undetermined | |
\(\UU\) | $\quad:\quad$\UU
$\qquad$that is: \mathcal U
\(\valueat {\dfrac {\delta y} {\delta x} } {x \mathop = \xi} \) | $\quad:\quad$\valueat {\dfrac {\delta y} {\delta x} } {x \mathop = \xi}
\(\var {X}\) | $\quad:\quad$\var {X}
$\qquad$Variance | |
\(\vers \theta\) | $\quad:\quad$\vers \theta
$\qquad$Versed Sine | |
\(\VV\) | $\quad:\quad$\VV
$\qquad$that is: \mathcal V
\(\weakconv\) | $\quad:\quad$\weakconv
$\qquad$Weak Convergence | |
\(\weakstarconv\) | $\quad:\quad$\weakstarconv
$\qquad$Weak-$*$ Convergence | |
\(\WW\) | $\quad:\quad$\WW
$\qquad$that is: \mathcal W
\(\XX\) | $\quad:\quad$\XX
$\qquad$that is: \mathcal X
\(\YY\) | $\quad:\quad$\YY
$\qquad$that is: \mathcal Y
\(\ZZ\) | $\quad:\quad$\ZZ
$\qquad$that is: \mathcal Z
Aligned Equations
To include aligned equations, a set of templates has been written: begin-eqn, eqn and end-eqn.
For more explanation, see Template:eqn.
Known issues
See Problem with Eqn template.
Specific Topics
Commutative diagrams
External references and manuals
It may not be exactly the same version of $\LaTeX$, but I always find this page helpful as a first, quick overview:
This is also a good reference page, pertaining to MediaWiki $\LaTeX$:
but be aware that not all commands are supported.
This is a link of all the currently supported commands available: