Mathematician:Mathematicians/Sorted By Birthday/March

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For more comprehensive information on the lives and works of mathematicians through the ages, see the MacTutor History of Mathematics archive, created by John J. O'Connor and Edmund F. Robertson.

The army of those who have made at least one definite contribution to mathematics as we know it soon becomes a mob as we look back over history; 6,000 or 8,000 names press forward for some word from us to preserve them from oblivion, and once the bolder leaders have been recognised it becomes largely a matter of arbitrary, illogical legislation to judge who of the clamouring multitude shall be permitted to survive and who be condemned to be forgotten.
-- Eric Temple Bell: Men of Mathematics, 1937, Victor Gollancz, London

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$1611$: John Pell
$1842$: Wilhelm Jordan
$1879$: Robert Daniel Carmichael
$1915$: Gustave Alfred Arthur Choquet


$1886$: Kurt Grelling
$1904$: Aline Huke Frink
$1910$: Charles Pisot
$1912$: Clifford Hugh Dowker
$1947$: Yuri Vladimirovich Matiyasevich
$1956$: Arjen Klaas Lenstra
$1957$: Drew Fudenberg


$1845$: Georg Ferdinand Ludwig Philipp Cantor
$1847$: Alexander Graham Bell
$1898$: Emil Artin
$1901$: Otto Schreier
$1916$: Paul Richard Halmos
$1925$: George Finlay Simmons


$1822$: Jules Antoine Lissajous
$1879$: Albert Einstein
$1904$: George Gamow
$1915$: Harold Neville Vazeille Temperley
$1925$: Jun-iti Nagata


$1512$: Gerardus Mercator
$1574$: William Oughtred
$1779$: Benjamin Gompertz
$1817$: Angelo Genocchi
$1880$: Sergei Natanovich Bernstein
$1915$: Laurent-Moïse Schwartz
$1921$: Murray Seymour Klamkin


$1841$: Marie Alfred Cornu
$1847$: Cesare Arzelà
$1875$: Frank Lauren Hitchcock
$1882$: Victor Michael Jean-Marie Thébault
$1901$: Naum Ilyich Akhiezer
$1921$: Akiva Moiseyevich Yaglom
$1921$: Isaak Moiseyevich Yaglom
$1941$: Michael Frederick Armstrong
$1949$: Aleksandar Ivić
$1973$: Manfred Einsiedler


$1870$: Ernst Leonard Lindelöf
$1880$: Richard Martin Gans
$1922$: Olga Aleksandrovna Ladyzhenskaya
$1928$: Wendell Helms Fleming
$1928$: Ray Alden Kunze
$1938$: Michael Ira Rosen
$1953$: Dietmar Arno Salamon
$1989$: Daniel Robert Page


$1617$: Tito Livio Burattini
$1851$: George Chrystal
$1875$: Vladimir Sergeyevitch Ignatowski
$1924$: Peter Yff
$1928$: Martin David Davis
$1943$: Václav E. Zizler


$1818$: Ferdinand Joachimsthal
$1889$: William Marshall Smart
$1948$: László Lovász


$1622$: Johann Heinrich Rahn
$1748$: John Playfair
$1798$: Pierre Frédéric Sarrus
$1864$: William Fogg Osgood
$1928$: Abner Shimony
$1948$: Gregory Charles Reinsel
$2005$: Jyotiraditya Jadhav


$1780$: August Leopold Crelle
$1822$: Joseph Louis François Bertrand
$1892$: Lucien Lévy
$1925$: Gordon Elliott Wall


$1685$: George Berkeley
$1824$: Gustav Robert Kirchhoff
$1859$: Ernesto Cesàro


$1842$: Joseph Valentin Boussinesq
$1911$: Melvin Dresher
$1925$: Gabriel Andrew Dirac
$1925$: John Torrence Tate
$1928$: Paulo Ribenboim
$1929$: Donald W. Marquardt
$1939$: Bruce Carl Berndt


$1864$: József Kürschák
$1882$: Wacław Franciszek Sierpiński
$1884$: Bharati Krishna Tirthaji
$1943$: David Lem Colton
$1947$: Mariano Giaquinta


$1713$: Nicolas-Louis de Lacaille
$1868$: Grace Emily Chisholm Young
$1928$: Kerson Huang
$1938$: Robin Cope Hartshorne
$1951$: Ramachandran Balasubramanian


$1789$: Georg Simon Ohm
$1821$: Heinrich Eduard Heine
$1846$: Magnus Gustaf Mittag-Leffler
$1854$: Joseph Edwards
$1915$: Kunihiko Kodaira
$1927$: Joseph Steven Madachy
$1941$: Gyula O.H. Katona
$1947$: Keith James Devlin
$1957$: Daniel Zwillinger


$1864$: Alwin Reinhold Korselt
$1897$: Charles Fox
$1920$: Robert Earl MacKenzie
$1922$: Patrick Colonel Suppes


$1690$: Christian Goldbach
$1796$: Jakob Steiner
$1839$: Joseph-Émile Barbier
$1911$: Walter Ledermann
$1928$: Lennart Axel Edvard Carleson
$1949$: Christopher David Godsil
$1969$: Eric Wolfgang Weisstein


$1914$: Leonidas Alaoglu
$1945$: Günter Pilz


$1840$: Franz Mertens
$1884$: Philipp Frank
$1931$: Norman R. Draper
$1938$: Sergei Petrovich Novikov


$1768$: Joseph Fourier
$1863$: James Watt (II)
$1884$: George David Birkhoff
$1936$: Thomas William Hungerford


$1868$: Robert Andrews Millikan
$1917$: Irving Kaplansky
$1920$: Jerzy Maria Michał Łoś
$1946$: Rudolf von Bitter Rucker


$1749$: Pierre-Simon de Laplace
$1837$: Richard Anthony Proctor
$1882$: Emmy Noether
$1907$: Hassler Whitney
$1949$: Stuart Alan Geman


$1809$: Joseph Liouville
$1835$: Josef Stefan
$1892$: Harold Calvin Marston Morse
$1913$: Ralph Hartzler Fox
$1926$: Martin Shubik
$1945$: Robert Charles Vaughan
$1962$: Rajeev Motwani


$1538$: Christopher Clavius
$1625$: John Collins
$1859$: Samuil Osipovich Shatunovsky
$1862$: Philbert Maurice d'Ocagne
$1898$: David Vernon Widder
$1918$: Florence Dorfman Jacobson
$1923$: Lewis Richard Benjamin Elton
$1945$: John Lane Bell


$1773$: Nathaniel Bowditch
$1859$: Adolf Hurwitz
$1875$: Max Abraham
$1908$: Theodore Samuel Motzkin
$1911$: John Langshaw Austin
$1913$: Paul Erdős


$1826$: Alphonse Armand Charles Georges Marie de Polignac
$1845$: Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen
$1857$: Karl Pearson
$1867$: Karl Zsigmondy
$1897$: Douglas Rayner Hartree
$1937$: William Gordon Hunter
$1955$: Joseph Hillel Silverman


$1923$: Israel Nathan Herstein
$1928$: Alexander Grothendieck
$1930$: Nobuo Yoneda
$1941$: Calvin C. Clawson


$1825$: Francesco Faà di Bruno
$1873$: Tullio Levi-Civita
$1896$: Wilhelm Friedrich Ackermann
$1906$: Hunter Rouse
$1922$: Bernard George Neal
$1951$: Roger Bruce Myerson
$1961$: Neil James Calkin
$1969$: Shinichi Mochizuki


$1862$: Leonard James Rogers
$1892$: Stefan Banach
$1938$: James David McCawley
$1956$: Paul Hoffman


$1596$: René Descartes
$1730$: Étienne Bézout
$1806$: Thomas Penyngton Kirkman
$1848$: Diederik Johannes Korteweg
$1921$: Martin Hugo Löb

Precise date unknown

$1946$: Patrick Michael Fitzpatrick

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