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The following books covered on $\mathsf{Pr} \infty \mathsf{fWiki}$ discuss physics and its various subfields.
For a comprehensive list of books referenced on $\mathsf{Pr} \infty \mathsf{fWiki}$ (and more), see Books.
- 1638: Galileo Galilei: Discorsi e Dimostrazioni Matematiche Intorno a Due Nuove Scienze
- 1644: Marin Mersenne: Cogitata Physico-Mathematica
- 1743: Jean le Rond d'Alembert: Traité de dynamique
- 1867: Sir William Thomson and Peter Guthrie Tait: Treatise on Natural Philosophy
- 1909: Hermann Minkowski: Raum und Zeit
- 1926: Albert Einstein: Investigations on the Theory of the Brownian Movement (translated by A.D. Cowper)
- 1950: S.G. Starling and A.J. Woodall: Physics
- 1957: S.G. Starling and A.J. Woodall: Physics (2nd ed.)
- 1958: M. Nelkon and P. Parker: Advanced Level Physics
- 1964: M. Nelkon and P. Parker: Advanced Level Physics (2nd ed.)
- 1970: M. Nelkon and P. Parker: Advanced Level Physics (3rd ed.)
- 1961: D.S. Jones: Electrical & Mechanical Oscillations
- 1963: Arthur Beiser: Concepts of Modern Physics
- 1965: Richard P. Feynman: The Character of Physical Law
- 1966: Isaac Asimov: Understanding Physics
- 1969: Frederick W. Byron, Jr. and Robert W. Fuller: Mathematics of Classical and Quantum Physics: Volume $\text { 1 }$
- 1970: Frederick W. Byron, Jr. and Robert W. Fuller: Mathematics of Classical and Quantum Physics: Volume $\text { 2 }$
- 1974: Allan M. Munn: From Nought to Relativity
- 1976: Martin Gardner: The Relativity Explosion (revised edition of Relativity for the Million from 1962)
- 1988: Stephen W. Hawking: A Brief History of Time
- 1989: Roger Penrose: The Emperor's New Mind
- 1992: Frederick W. Byron, Jr. and Robert W. Fuller: Mathematics of Classical and Quantum Physics (republication of Mathematics of Classical and Quantum Physics, Volume 1 and Mathematics of Classical and Quantum Physics, Volume 2 in one volume)
- 1993: Stephen Hawking: Black Holes and Baby Universes and Other Essays
- 1994: Richard P. Feynman: Six Easy Pieces
- 1997: Richard P. Feynman: Six Not-So-Easy Pieces
- 2001: Stephen Hawking: The Universe in a Nutshell
- 2004: Roger Penrose: The Road to Reality: A Complete Guide to the Laws of the Universe
- 2010: Roger Penrose: Cycles of Time: An Extraordinary New View of the Universe
- 2013: Gerd Rudolph and Matthias Schmidt: Differential Geometry and Mathematical Physics
- 2015: Thomas Povey: Professor Povey's Perplexing Problems
- 1904: James Jeans: The Dynamical Theory of Gases
- 1822: Joseph Fourier: Théorie Analytique de la Chaleur
- 1824: S. Carnot: Réflexions sur la puissance motrice du feu
- 1970: G.A.P. Wyllie: Elementary Statistical Mechanics
- 1873: James Clerk Maxwell: A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism (2 volumes)
- 1908: James Jeans: The Mathematical Theory of Electricity and Magnetism
- 1948: C.A. Coulson: Electricity
- 1951: C.A. Coulson: Electricity (2nd ed.)
- 1953: C.A. Coulson: Electricity (3rd ed.)
- 1956: C.A. Coulson: Electricity (4th ed.)
- 1958: C.A. Coulson: Electricity (5th ed.)
- 1975: I.S. Grant and W.R. Phillips: Electromagnetism
- 1990: I.S. Grant and W.R. Phillips: Electromagnetism (2nd ed.)
Atomic Physics
- 1933: Max Born: Moderne Physik
- 1935: Max Born: Atomic Physics (translated by John Dougall from Moderne Physik)
- 1937: Max Born: Atomic Physics (2nd ed.)
- 1944: Max Born: Atomic Physics (3rd ed.)
- 1946: Max Born: Atomic Physics (4th ed.)
- 1951: Max Born: Atomic Physics (5th ed.)
- 1957: Max Born: Atomic Physics (6th ed.)
- 1962: Max Born: Atomic Physics (7th ed.)
- 1935: Max Born: Atomic Physics (translated by John Dougall from Moderne Physik)
- 1966: H.M. Assenheim: Introduction to Electron Spin Resonance
- 1967: M. Russell Wehr, James A. Richards, Jr. and Thomas W. Adair, III: Physics of the Atom
Quantum Mechanics
- 1932: John von Neumann: Mathematische Grundlagen der Quantenmechanik ("Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics")
- 1978: A.P. French and Edwin F. Taylor: An Introduction to Quantum Physics
- 1986: Anthony Sudbery: Quantum Mechanics and the Particles of Nature
- 1998: Yoav Peleg, Reuven Pnini and Elyahu Zaarur: Quantum Mechanics
- 2013: Brian C. Hall: Quantum Theory for Mathematicians
- 2016: Richard J. Miller: Unity Root Matrix Theory: A Quark Flavour Model
- 2023: Jean-Bernard Bru and Walter Alberto de Siqueira Pedra: C*-Algebras and Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Statistical Mechanics
Relativity Theory
- 1968: A.P. French: Special Relativity
- 1648: John Wilkins: Mathematical Magick
- 1736: Leonhard Paul Euler: Mechanica
- 1803: Louis Poinsot: Éléments de statique
- 1920: Edwin Bidwell Wilson: Aeronautics: A Class Text
- 1958: J.W. Leech: Classical Mechanics
- 1966: T.W.B. Kibble: Classical Mechanics
- 1980: A.J.M. Spencer: Continuum Mechanics (reprinted 1985, 1988, 1990, 1992 and 2004)
Celestial Mechanics
- 1454: Georg von Peuerbach: Theoricae Novae Planetarum ("New Theory of the Planets")
- 1543: Nicolaus Copernicus: De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium
- 1551: Erasmus Reinhold: Prutenicae Tabulae Coelestium Motuum
- 1596: Johannes Kepler: Mysterium Cosmographicum
- 1609: Johannes Kepler: Astronomia Nova
- 1619: Johannes Kepler: Harmonices Mundi
- 1618 – 1621: Johannes Kepler: Epitome Astronomiae Copernicanae
- 1623: Galileo Galilei: Il Saggiatore ("The Assayer")
- 1632: Galileo Galilei: Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems
- 1687: Isaac Newton: Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica (usually referred to as the Principia)
- 1799 – 1825: Pierre-Simon de Laplace: Traité de Mécanique Céleste
- 1809: Carl Friedrich Gauss: Theoria Motus Corporum Coelestium
- 1892 – 1899: H. Poincaré: Les Méthodes nouvelles de la mécanique céleste ("New Methods in Celestial Mechanics") (3 volumes)
Wave Mechanics
- 1941: C.A. Coulson: Waves
- 1943: C.A. Coulson: Waves (2nd ed.)
- 1944: C.A. Coulson: Waves (3rd ed.)
- 1947: C.A. Coulson: Waves (4th ed.)
- 1949: C.A. Coulson: Waves (5th ed.)
- 1952: C.A. Coulson: Waves (6th ed.)
- 1955: C.A. Coulson: Waves (7th ed.)
- 1960: D.R. Bland: Vibrating Strings
Fluid Mechanics
- 1953: Hunter Rouse and J.W. Howe: Basic Mechanics of Fluids
- 1704: Isaac Newton: Opticks