This page collects:
- Mentions of minor mathematicians whose biographical details are unavailable, but who have contributed towards the literature in some way.
- Writers who are not actually mathematicians as such, but who have written books on mathematical topics.
Also see:
Dorothée Aeppli
Translator (into English) of:
Miquel Albertí
Author of:
- 2017: Creativity in Mathematics
- 2017: Planet Mathematics
- 2017: Endless Mosaics
- 2017: Easy or Difficult?
Luis Fernando Areán Álvarez
Author of:
Javier Arbonés
Author of:
- 2017: Harmony is Numerical (with Pablo Milrud)
Eduardo Arroyo
Author of:
Lluis Artal
Author of:
- 2017: Mortgages and Equations (with Josep Sales)
Raymond A. Beauregard
Author of:
- 1995: Linear Algebra, 3 ed. (with John B. Fraleigh)
Fayssal Benkhaldoun
Editor of:
- 1996: Finite Volumes for Complex Applications (with Roland Vilsmeier)
- 1999: Finite Volumes for Complex Applications II (with Roland Vilsmeier and Dieter Hänel])
Thomas Bole
Translator (into English) (with Stephen Pollard) of:
Laurie Boswell
- 1994: Geometry (with Roland E. Larson and Lee Stiff)
- 1996: Passport to Algebra and Geometry (with Roland E. Larson, Timothy D. Kanold and Lee Stiff)
- 1996: Windows to Algebra and Geometry (with Roland E. Larson, Timothy D. Kanold and Lee Stiff)
- 1997: Passport to Mathematics Book 1 - 2 (with Roland E. Larson and Lee Stiff)
- 2001: Mathematics Concepts and Skills Course 1 - 2 (with Roland E. Larson, Timothy D. Kanold and Lee Stiff)
- 2001: Algebra 1 Concepts and Skills (with Roland E. Larson, Timothy D. Kanold and Lee Stiff)
- 2003: Geometry Concepts and Skills (with Roland E. Larson and Lee Stiff)
- 2004: Math Course 1 - 3 (with Roland E. Larson, Timothy D. Kanold and Lee Stiff)
- 2005: Prealgebra (with Roland E. Larson, Timothy D. Kanold and Lee Stiff)
- 2008: Algebra 2 Concepts and Skills (with Roland E. Larson, Timothy D. Kanold and Lee Stiff)
- 2010: Big Ideas Math 1 - 3 (with Roland E. Larson)
G.C.T. Bowen
Contributor to:
- 1954: Mathematics For All
Charles Henry Brase
Author of:
Corrinne Pellillo Brase
Author of:
- 2011: Understandable Statistics, 10th ed. (with Charles Henry Brase)
D.E. Brown
Translator (into English) of:
- 1961: Theory of Markov Processes by E.B. Dynkin
Gerard Buskes
Author of:
Leslie Clark
Translator (into English) (with Alastair Reid) of:
- 1949: O Homem que Calculava (The Man Who Counted) by Malba Tahan (1993)
Alfred Denys Cowper
Translator (into English) of:
Steven L. Crouch
Author of:
Betsy Farber
Author of:
- 2000: Elementary Statistics Picturing the World (with Roland E. Larson)
John B. Fraleigh
Author of:
- 1975: A First Course in Abstract Algebra
- 1995: Linear Algebra, 3rd ed. (with Raymond A. Beauregard)
- 2002: A First Course in Abstract Algebra, 7th ed.
Michele Friend
- 2005: An introduction to the new edition of An Investigation of the Laws of Thought by George Boole
- 2007: Introducing Philosophy of Mathematics
Charles Goldziher
Author of:
- 1912: A Bibliography on the Teaching of Mathematics (with David Eugene Smith)
John Hadley
Translator of:
- Mar. 1992: Problems to Sharpen the Young (Math. Gazette Vol. 76, no. 475: pp. 102 – 126) (with David Singmaster)
John Haigh
Author of:
- 2005: How to Take a Penalty (with Rob Eastaway)
- 2007: Beating the Odds (with Rob Eastaway) (paperback edition of How to Take a Penalty)
Dieter Hänel
Editor of:
John Michael Harris
Author of:
- 2008: Combinatorics and Graph Theory, 2nd ed. (with Jeffry L. Hirst and Michael J. Mossinghoff)
Nora Anne Hartsfield
Author of:
Trevor O. Hawkes
Author of:
- 1970: Rings, Modules and Linear Algebra (with Brian Hartley)
Olaf Helmer
Translator (into English) of:
- 1941: Introduction to Logic and to the Methodology of Deductive Sciences by Alfred Tarski
- 1946: Introduction to Logic and to the Methodology of Deductive Sciences, 2nd ed. by Alfred Tarski
David E. Heyd
Author of:
- 2001: Calculus, 7th ed. (with Roland E. Larson, Robert P. Hostetler and Bruce H. Edwards)
Jeffry L. Hirst
Author of:
- 2008: Combinatorics and Graph Theory, 2nd ed. (with John M. Harris and Michael J. Mossinghoff)
Robert P. Hostetler
Author of:
- 1978: Calculus (with Roland E. Larson)
- 1979: Calculus with Analytic Geometry (with Roland E. Larson)
- 1982: Mathematics for Everyday Living (with Roland E. Larson)
- 1983: Calculus: An Applied Approach (with Roland E. Larson)
- 1985: College Algebra (with Roland E. Larson)
- 1985: Algebra and Trigonometry (with Roland E. Larson)
- 1985: Trigonometry (with Roland E. Larson)
- 1985: Precalculus (with Roland E. Larson)
- 1992: Elementary Algebra (with Roland E. Larson)
- 1992: Intermediate Algebra (with Roland E. Larson)
- 1992: College Algebra Concepts and Models (with Roland E. Larson and Anne V. Munn)
- 1993: College Algebra A Graphing Approach (with Roland E. Larson and Bruce H. Edwards)
- 1993: Algebra and Trigonometry A Graphing Approach (with Roland E. Larson and Bruce H. Edwards)
- 1993: Precalculus A Graphing Approach (with Roland E. Larson)
- 1994: Intermediate Algebra Graphs and Functions (with Roland E. Larson and Carolyn F. Neptune)
- 1994: Algebra for College Students: Graphs and Functions (with Roland E. Larson and Carolyn F. Neptune)
- 1995: Precalculus with Limits: A Graphing Approach (with Roland E. Larson and Bruce H. Edwards)
- 1995: Calculus Early Transcendental Functions (with Roland E. Larson and Bruce H. Edwards)
- 1995: Trigonometry A Graphing Approach (with Roland E. Larson and Bruce H. Edwards)
- 2000: College Algebra: An Internet Approach (with Roland E. Larson and Bruce H. Edwards)
- 2000: Precalculus: An Internet Approach (with Roland E. Larson and Bruce H. Edwards)
- 2001: Calculus, 7th ed. (with Roland E. Larson, Bruce H. Edwards and David E. Heyd)
- 2002: Calculus 1 with Precalculus (with Roland E. Larson and Bruce H. Edwards)
- 2005: Calculus, 8th ed. (with Roland E. Larson and Bruce H. Edwards)
- 2005: Algebra for College Students (with Roland E. Larson)
- 2006: College Algebra: A Concise Course (with Roland E. Larson and Anne V. Hodgkins)
- 2007: Precalculus: A Concise Course (with Roland E. Larson)
- 2008: Essential Calculus: Early Transcendental Functions (with Roland E. Larson and Bruce H. Edwards)
Anne V. Hodgkins
Also known as Anne V. Munn.
Author of:
- 1992: College Algebra Concepts and Models with Roland E. Larson and Robert P. Hostetler) (as Anne V. Munn)
- 2006: College Algebra: A Concise Course (with Roland E. Larson and Robert P. Hostetler)
- 2009: College Algebra with Applications for Business and the Life Sciences (with Roland E. Larson)
- 2010: College Algebra and Calclulus: An Applied Approach (with Roland E. Larson)
Albert Geoffrey Howson
Author of:
Colin Howson
Author of:
- 1997: Logic with Trees
Klaus Jänich
Author of:
- 1984: Topology
William Henry Johnstone
Author of:
Timothy D. Kanold
Author of:
- 1993: Algebra 1 - 2 (with Roland E. Larson and Lee Stiff)
- 1996: Passport to Algebra and Geometry (with Roland E. Larson, Laurie Boswell and Lee Stiff)
- 1996: Windows to Algebra and Geometry (with Roland E. Larson, Laurie Boswell and Lee Stiff)
- 2001: Mathematics Concepts and Skills Course 1 - 2 (with Roland E. Larson, Laurie Boswell and Lee Stiff)
- 2001: Algebra 1 Concepts and Skills (with Roland E. Larson, Laurie Boswell and Lee Stiff)
- 2004: Math Course 1 - 3 (with Roland E. Larson, Laurie Boswell and Lee Stiff)
- 2005: Prealgebra (with Roland E. Larson, Laurie Boswell and Lee Stiff)
- 2008: Algebra 2 Concepts and Skills (with Roland E. Larson, Laurie Boswell and Lee Stiff)
Irvin W. Kay
Author of:
- 1937: Introduction to Mathematics (with Morris Kline)
- 1965: Electromagnetic Theory and Geometrical Optics (with Morris Kline)
Geoffrey Keppel
Author of:
James S. Kraft
Author of:
Marcia L. Latham
Translator (into English) of:
- 1925: La Géométrie by René Descartes (1637) (with David Eugene Smith)
Ralph Leighton
Editor of:
George McCarty
Author of:
Robert Messer
Author of:
- 1994: Linear Algebra: Gateway to Mathematics
- 2006: Topology Now! (with Philip Straffin)
Klaus Metsch
Author of:
Michael J. Mossinghoff
Author of:
- 2008: Combinatorics and Graph Theory, 2nd ed. (with John M. Harris and Jeffry L. Hirst)
Allan Macgregor Munn
Author of:
Anne V. Munn
Also known as Anne V. Hodgkins.
Author of:
- 1992: College Algebra Concepts and Models with Roland E. Larson and Robert P. Hostetler)
Uppaluri Siva Ramachandra Murty
Author of:
- 1976: Graph Theory With Applications (with J.A. Bondy)
- 2008: Graph Theory (with J.A. Bondy)
Tyn Myint-U
Author of:
- 2007: Linear Partial Differential Equations for Scientists and Engineers, 4th ed. (with Lokenath Debnath)
Leonard William John Owler
Author of:
Yoav Peleg
Author of:
- 1998: Quantum Mechanics (with Reuven Pnini and Elyahu Zaarur)
Gustavo Ernesto Piñeiro
Author of:
- 2017: The Sphere that Wanted to be Infinite
- 2017: e for Extraordinary
- 2017: The Story of an Imaginary Number
Reuven Pnini
Author of:
- 1998: Quantum Mechanics (with Yoav Peleg and Elyahu Zaarur)
Stephen Pollard
Translator (into English) (with Thomas Bole) of:
Ebbe Thue Poulsen
Author of:
- 2000: Indledning til Matematisk Analyse 1a (with Klaus Thomsen)
Betty Powell
Author of:
- 1970: Elementary Logic (with D.J. O'Connor)
Alastair Reid
Translator (into English) (with Leslie Clark) of:
- 1949: O Homem que Calculava (The Man Who Counted) by Malba Tahan (1993)
A.G.G. Richards
Contributor to:
- 1954: Mathematics For All
Dana Scott Richards
Editor of:
Mark Andrew Ronan
Author of:
- 2006: Symmetry and the Monster
Mark Dermot Ryan
Author of:
Karl Sabbagh
Author of:
- 1984: The living body (with Christiaan Barnard)
- 1989: Skyscraper
- 1993: Magic or medicine (with Rob Buckman)
- 1996: 21st-century jet
- 1999: A rum affair
- 2000: Power into art
- 2002: Dr. Riemann's Zeros
- 2006: Palestine: A Personal History
- 2007: Your Case is Hopeless: Bracing Advice From the 'Boy's Own Paper'
- 2009: Remembering our childhood: how memory betrays us
Abraham Joseph Sachs
1915 – 1983
Editor of:
- 1945: Mathematical Cuneiform Texts (with O. Neugebauer)
Author of:
- 1981: A Course in Universal Algebra (with Stanley Burris)
Matthias Schmidt
Author of:
Peter Schuster
Translator (into English) of:
- 1986: Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists by K. Weltner and W.J. Weber) (with J. Grosjean)
Robyn Silbey
Author of:
- 1998: Larson's Middle School Math, Grades 6, 7, and 8 (with Roland E. Larson)
Thomas S. Shores
Author of:
Anthony Michael Starfield
Author of:
- 1983: Boundary Element Methods in Solid Mechanics (with S.L. Crouch)
David R. Stirzaker
Author of:
Philip D. Straffin
Author of:
- 2006: Topology Now! (with Robert Messer)
M.N.S. Swamy
Author of:
Klaus Thomsen
Author of:
- 2000: Indledning til Matematisk Analyse 1a (with Ebbe Thue Poulsen)
André VandenBroeck
Author of:
- 1972: Philosophical Geometry
Maarten van Steen
Author of:
Roland Vilsmeier
Editor of:
- 1996: Finite Volumes for Complex Applications (with Fayssal Benkhaldoun)
- 1999: Finite Volumes for Complex Applications II (with Fayssal Benkhaldoun and Dieter Hänel)
R.W. Webster
Contributor to:
- 1954: Mathematics For All
Arthur Joseph Woodall
Author of:
- 1950: Physics (with S.G. Starling)
- 1957: Physics, 2nd ed. (with S.G. Starling)
Elyahu Zaarur
Author of:
- 1998: Quantum Mechanics (with Yoav Peleg and Reuven Pnini)